On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 15:21:52 +0100, "Tim Bedding"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>> It's not a matter of tradition but of history. If you want
>> crystal clear examples of the potential for abuse of
>> "secret evidence" then
>> study the political history of just about any authoritarian
>> regime, especially the USSR.
>I am not saying that all regimes that employed secret evidence
>had no abuse.
>All that history may be able to show is that those particular
>regimes which used secret evidence in a particular way
>had problems.
>This does not show that secret evidence inevitably results
>in abuse.

If the -potential- for abuse exists, you can bet the farm that abuse
will also exist. That's just a fact of human nature.

>To say that the UK system must be flawed because of other
>regimes is to say that all apples must be oranges.

I agree, such a statement -is- flawed, and that's why I didn't say
anything of the sort. You asked for examples of abuse of secret
evidence. Criminal prosecution based upon secret evidence is a common
characteristic of authoritarian governments, which is why I noted such
governments as examples of abuse. But abuse is certainly not limited
to authoritarian governments.

>However, apples and oranges are different items.
>So, I would return to the idea of evaluating the particular
>UK system to see if it is lacking.
>Take Stalin and his purges for example. Those were arbitrary
>acts of a dictator involving show trials. The UK system,
>although claimed to be flawed, is not one of a dictator.
>The claim by opponents of the system (like HRW) is that
>the system is flawed not that it involves show trials.

I think you mixed up the cause and effect. The -cause- is human
psychology. The -effect- is abuse. The type of government has little
or nothing to do with the cause of the abuse, but if any government
allows the potential for abuse to exist then it most definitely will.

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