Robert wrote:

> "Ben Irvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:
>> Thus, this has little relationship to why America was hit on 9/11.
> Which you think was due to US foreign affairs.  But the USA's very first
> such foreign affair was against the Barbary pirates, and it didn't lead to
> terrorism then.  All those years of French & British military action and
> occupation in the Near East starting in the 19th Century didn't lead to
> terror in France or Britain.

Things have changed for the better in Islam's quest.  Since the 1400's
Islam was in in freefall and lost territory and lands that it had once
conquered.  In those days, the European birth-rates equaled those
of Muslims, and the inherent nature of Islam devoutly followed led to
poverty.  Indeed, Islam's revival came with the discovery of oil in
some Muslim nations (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Iraq, Libya,
Iran, etc.) starting in the 1930's.

The goals of Islam have never changed since Mohammad beheaded 
his first infidel 1400 years ago; however, the discovery of oil now
allowed for financing Jihad on a grand scale and to fulfill Islamic
supremacy objectives. It is no accident that the world's most famous
Islamic Jihad warrior is Osama Bin Laden, as he inherited 300-million
via his dad's business with the Saudi royal family (rich by oil).

America's meddling in the Middle East makes us a special target for
Allah's children.  One wonders if Bush, or his advisors, even realize
the differences between the Sunni and the Shiite Muslims, or that 
since the region (Iraq) was first stolen by Muslims, that Sunni have
always ruled over Shiite?  This was true when the Turks ruled and even
the British for a bit.  It has nothing to do with Shiite being a majority
in Iraq, and everything to do with Sunni tradition.  Seeing that over
85% of all Muslims are Sunni (including those with the most oil), the
Sunni will eventually regain control of Iraq.  That is despite our crazed
support of the Shiite government of Iraq we created.

>> I would encourage that our government, and especially individual citizens,
>> to publicly condemn Islam devoutly followed. Islam like Nazism
>> and other ideologies is a political philosophy; however, unlike most
>> other political philosophies it is also a religion.
>> Some of the main Islamic areas to be condemned would be:
>> 1. The supremacy nature of Islam.
>> 2. Dhimmitude and beheading areas of the Koran.
>> 3.  Low status of women.
>> 4.  Lack of separation between church and state.
>> 5.  The general barbaric primitive nature of Islam.
> Have you ever heard of a case in which outsiders' in gov't or the private
> sector condemning of someone's religion has led to changes in that religion?


I don't have to even give examples outside the inland West where I live. The
Mormons in the early 1890's suddenly decided that polygamy was not only
not part of their faith, but that it was illegal.  This was traumatic on the 
Mitt Romney's father, George Romney, was born in Mexico because his
polygamous family had fled with hundreds of other Mormons to LDS colonies
in Mexico.  By the time Mitt's dad was born, social pressures had convinced
his family that polygamy was no longer acceptable.

The same happen to Mormons in 1972 when they suddenly announced
that blacks (Negro) were fully human, and could enter the Mormon
priesthood.  Before that date blacks could never become full Mormons.
It was social pressures again that caused the Mormon church to rethink 
their doctrine and traditions.

In 1903, the federal government prohibited the Crow Sun Dance.  Violators
would be fined and jailed.  Thus, the traditional  Crow Sun Dance has not
been performed since 1903.  However, it is doubtful that there would be much
demand, as Crow culture changed, and there wasn't a need for the religious 
ceremony.  In 1939 the Crow adopted the Shoshone Sundance that was
entirely different than the old Sun Dance, and that has been used ever since. 

I could site numerous other examples where social pressures altered religious
habits. The numerous Hutterite colonies in Montana and other parts
of the West, have had to change many of their religious habits because of
outside social pressures. 

>> Muslims that will not compromise on at least the small list given above,
>> should be treated similarly to the way America treated activist Nazis
>> between December 1941 and May 1945 that desired to destroy our way of life.
> Like that had any effect on Nazism??!  

It did force a lot of German Americans to decide if they were Americans
or Nazis; for, society would not tolerate both. At least 99% decided that
they were not Nazis, though still German-Americans. Those that remained
openly devout Nazis, were generally detained, harassed, or arrested. There
were not many.  Muslims can still be Arab-Americans, Anglo-Americans, etc.
However, their fascist philosophy should be condemned  by all whenever

> Or like any such change in American
> Nazism or American Islam would have any effect on the foreigners who
> were/are the real problem?

It would have an effect on Muslims living in America, which is my main
concern.  Like the old Nazis of yesteryear, those that can't stand the social
criticism can always go to a place that does.

> Do you seriously think the Red scares of the early & middle 20th Century in
> the USA had any significant effect in getting the Iron Curtain to come down?
> They couldn't even root the Communists out of the Cabinet!

I also don't think that the price of Oreos has any impact on religion? :-)  The
Red scare certainly did have an impact on devout Communists living in
America.  I believe that the social pressures put on the Mormons and other
religious groups would have an impact on Muslim-Americans.  The five main
areas of concern that I listed, go to the root of American and Constitutional
values.  Those values need to be accepted by Allah's flock, and Islam either
abandoned or greatly changed from its current form.  

~ Ben 

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