"Ben Irvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

> Thus, this has little relationship to why America was hit on 9/11.

Which you think was due to US foreign affairs.  But the USA's very first
such foreign affair was against the Barbary pirates, and it didn't lead to
terrorism then.  All those years of French & British military action and
occupation in the Near East starting in the 19th Century didn't lead to
terror in France or Britain.

> I would encourage that our government, and especially individual citizens,
> to publicly condemn Islam devoutly followed. Islam like Nazism
> and other ideologies is a political philosophy; however, unlike most
> other political philosophies it is also a religion.

> Some of the main Islamic areas to be condemned would be:

> 1. The supremacy nature of Islam.
> 2. Dhimmitude and beheading areas of the Koran.
> 3.  Low status of women.
> 4.  Lack of separation between church and state.
> 5.  The general barbaric primitive nature of Islam.

Have you ever heard of a case in which outsiders' in gov't or the private
sector condemning of someone's religion has led to changes in that religion?

> Muslims that will not compromise on at least the small list given above,
> should be treated similarly to the way America treated activist Nazis
> December 1941 and May 1945 that desired to destroy our way of life.

Like that had any effect on Nazism??!  Or like any such change in American
Nazism or American Islam would have any effect on the foreigners who
were/are the real problem?

Do you seriously think the Red scares of the early & middle 20th Century in
the USA had any significant effect in getting the Iron Curtain to come down?
They couldn't even root the Communists out of the Cabinet!

Truly I So Briney,

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