Good evening again, Travis!

Travis Pahl wrote to everyone, responding to Ben Irvin and Douglas Friedman...

I am friends with and have worked with far too many Muslims to know
that what both Ben and Doug are saying about Muslims is far too broad
of a generalization.  Most are pretty much like your typical
christian.  Yes there are jihadists out there but what Ron Paul says
regarding our foriegn policy is true.  If we leave them alone they
will find someone else to get pissed off at before they come attacking
us.  Whether it be some other non muslim in the area that decides to
take our place as policeman of the region, or other muslims that
beleive a slightly different thing, the point would be american policy
would no longer be endangering americans as it is now.

Without sounding contradictory to myself earlier, I would like to point out that the current trends, actually going back for over a decade or so now, actually point to a "revival" of sorts within Islam driven by radical Islamic fundamentalists. The "revival" that I talk about is probably rooted in the Koran and ancient Islam, and is now taking aim at western civilization per se, rather than regional neighbours as you pointed out.

The Iraq war was a tremendous blunder in terms of a foreign policy debacle by the United States. In the aftermath of 9/11, we did have some degree of sympathy from more moderate Islamic states. It wasn't exactly the kind of sympathy that I might call substantial outrage, since Islamic law in terms of history at least, seems to condone such actions as the terrorists themselves inflict in the name of Islam. It's hard for "Muslim brothers" to totally condemn actions done on behalf of Allah, and as directed by Islamic scriptures and dictates.

So, there is some degree of sadness at the 9/11 events, but somehow you get the feeling that such sadness is tempered by something fundamentally WRONG with the west, particularly the United States. In other words, not a fundamental outrage over what happened, but something bordering upon sorrow at the loss of life and damage, but somehow understandable. No outright forceful condemnation in large part by the world-wide Islamic community, if there is indeed there really is such a community at all.

The point I am making here is twofold. First, there is already a strong and growing commitment and hatred for the US throughout the Islamic world, almost one-third of the population of the planet, particularly after the invasion of Iraq, apparently without adequate foundations as initially specified, and secondly, this radical anti-western militant Islamic threat is growing, not lessening, and therefore it isn't likely that any other large target other than western culture will be forthcoming in the event that the US is defeated in Iraq. And, at this point, even if some semblance of victory could be declared, with lesser defined goals, such a threat is certainly not going to likely disappear either, but will rather grow and increase over time.

This is not exactly the same thing as America's defeat in Vietnam. The Vietnamese were just content to defeat the Americans, and didn't pose any real threat to pursue the war to the shores on the U.S. or other western powers. There would never have been any support with the "then" world-wide communist states to ever pursue such blatant aggression; but Islamic fundamentals would now be on a roll so to speak, in following the infidels back into their caves and holes within their own dominions. I believe that is where we are today, right now, whether or not we win or lose Iraq. The ranks of the extremists within Islam are growing exponentially, certainly NOT declining; and this is something our children and grandchildren will have to deal with for decades to come. Or so I fear.

It is improper to try and compare America's defeat in South East Asia in the 60's -70's by the communists in Vietnam, with a religious-political ideology that is enshrined by one-third of the world and enjoys popular support, to a communist hegemony that was driven entirely by central tyranny and COMMANDED such support by brute force. The Communist insurgence only last for a period of 70 years, not one and a half-millenniums! The dynamics and demographics between the two are not comparable in any fashion whatsoever.

It is also instructive to note that although the religious/political ideology in the west has shifted markedly over 1 millennium and a half, while the Islamic religious/political ideology has remained almost intact. This shift places western civilization in a disadvantage, since there are very few ideological or religious basis to fight a war that only a small minority within the civilization feels is important enough to really fight and die for! Hence, the western civilizations lack of resolve for winning a war that it no longer really understands, since the dynamics have changed greatly.

Kindest regards,

We've opened a Pandora's box that will be much more difficult to deal with

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