Good evening again, Robert!

Robert Goodman wrote, in part, to Ben Irvin...

Ben Irvin wrote:
I cannot think of a single instance in the 1400-year history of Islam,
where that has happen.

To which, you replied:
Turkey.  Morocco, to some extent.

Even if I might grant you that marginally Turkey and Morocco have shown some degree in moderation, or secularization distant from Islamic law, which I find difficult to do, this argument fails to account for the fact that both Turkey and Morocco combined are only a minuscule of world-wide Islam stretching from Morocco, which you speak, all the way across southern Asia into southern Philippines. I could possibly add a few other so-called moderate Islamic states to your list, such as Malaysia, and maybe even Indonesia.

But I think you might see the point that I made earlier in my message to Travis. That point was that Islamic extremists even in these so-called "moderate" countries are being recruited into terrorist networks in ever increasing numbers; and U.S./western standing in terms of toleration is presently at an all time low even in these countries.

I have spent some time in Malaysia over the last several decades. Malaysia historically has had a rather sizable Christian minority that has largely been rather safe and secure since Malaysia became independent from Britain. I used to travel through Malaysia to the Philippines back and forth to Manila from Singapore rather regularly and felt entirely safe and secure prior to 9/11, and particularly prior to the US invasion of Iraq. Today, I would be looking over my shoulder. In other words, today, I might opt for another direct flight, directly from Singapore to Manila, bypassing Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia entirely. The flight might cost a $100 more to do so, but like I said, Americans are not on the top 10 list anymore in even so-called moderate Islamic States in terms of popularity.

There is other direct information I have received recently too. One of my local friends has married a Filipino girl in Mindanao (southern Philippines). On his most current visit he arrived in Manila on a late night flight from Seattle, and transferred to a 4 a.m. flight to Mindanao from Manila. That early morning flight to Mindanao had about an 85% Muslim capacity. He was intimidated by male Muslims stretching their religious beads, while facing him "eye to eye" in a fashion resembling a noose. It was intimidation because they KNEW he was an American, and they were the majority on this flight, and knew they could get by with it. This incident occurred only within the last six months.

Well, if this could happen in the Philippines, with an 85 percent Christian population, you can see that a picture of militant Islamic defiance against the U.S. and the west in general, has growing exponentially during the last five years or since the the US invasion of Iraq. Muslims are "brothers". You attack Muslins, without foundation, as we did in Iraq, and you attack a very large segment of the world's population. Not a great way to win friends or sympathizers after 9/11 is it?

Kindest regards,

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