Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 15:19:13 +0200
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Preferred version of Linux on 110?

neil barnes a écrit :

> I can't speak for the 110 'cos I'm poor and can only afford 50s...but I've
> been very happy with mandrake 6.1 and 7.1 - both of which will load from a
> hard disk image (provided you've done all the partitioning first). M7.2 has
> been fine on the desktop but doesn't like to install with 32M of memory or
> less, M8 is too fresh to be certain but it seems ok on the desktop.

With the 110 and its 64M memory, no problem.
MAndrake is better than RedHat, because it can be installed
directly from the CD to the Libretto, with the PCMCIA floppy image.
I used a Frecomm Traveller PCMCIA CD for the 7.2,
and a SCSI CD with Adaptec 1460B for the 8.0.

I bought an Ibm DJSA-220Hd for mu libretto (20GB)
and partition it with fdisk because I wanted to have this partition
/dev/hda10         1017      1027     88326   a0  Hibernation Thinkpad IBM
at this exact location.

After the recommanded installation,
edit lilo.conf and Xf86config, and it runs fine.

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