Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 07:32:46 -0500
From: Jonathan Towne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] 20 gig Fujitsu in an overclocked L50 and working!

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 05:27:04PM -0800, neil barnes scribbled:
# *Run*, do not walk, to a tool-kit and remove those spacers. It's a lot 
# easier to do that now than to try and resolder the memory chips in a few 
# months. Repair prognosis in that case is *not* good :(
# You're trying to fit a 9.5mm chunk of metal in an 8.5mm hole. The disk 
# doesn't squash. The case doesn't bend. The only bit left to move is the 
# motherboard...

Having IMMEDIATELY taken this advice the second I read the email, I would
like to share the experience with everyone.. I *ran* to the toolkit (well,
actually it was within reach already .. faster than running) and started
removing screws; kind of uncool that the spacers are the very last thing
one can get to in a libretto, having to disable the whole damned thing.

But!#% it is not that daunting of a job.. having taken the unit apart
before, I wasn't too concerned, and i peeled back the black shield(?), 
scraped off the sticky blue spacers, and the clear ones too, then, this is
the part I was unsure of .. i put the black shield(?) back! .. I didn't like
the idea of the hd shorting against the metal underneath, etc, not really
recalling at the moment which side of the drive was oriented that way.
Anyway, I figured that since the black shield(!) was much less than 1mm thick,
that it wouldn't matter that much, and might even help.. (*please* correct me
if I'm wrong); btw, thank you neil, for expressing such urgency, I dropped
everything for it, and the lib still boots afterward (actually.. it resumed!)

- Jonathan Towne

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