Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 08:41:00 -0600
From: "phillip ramirez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] 20 gig Fujitsu in an overclocked L50 and working!

I think I read darkangel? Any ftp site?

-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 9:42 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: Re: [LIB] 20 gig Fujitsu in an overclocked L50 and working!

Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 11:38:45 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] 20 gig Fujitsu in an overclocked L50 and working!

OK now that I've woken up here's the rest of my adventures with my new
20 gig Fujitsu! I dunno why I even bothered writing this, perhaps it was
because I'd already written the last one so I figured I might as well
finish the job off ...

It occurs to me that I need to use Partition Magic to do the hibernation
thing because neither FDISK nor NT Disk Manager would do it for me ...
whilst I wait for a reply from the list confirming the 1010-1040
hibernation region for the L50 I've managed to find my copy of PM! OK so
here go the boot disks ... and whoops, the disk creation utility doesn't
like Win2k ... *sigh* OK fire up the Tecra and lets go again ...

In the meantime, it looks like my hopes of getting my libby to decode
full screen off the hard drive weren't quite on the mark (it WAS able to
decode full screen MPEG captures of season 1 of 'DarkAngel' at full
screen through the network card but it wouldn't surprise me if the CPU
load reading off the network was less than that reading off the hard
drive for these older computers) ... it DOES do 'standard size' (about
half screen size) decodes at quite a watchable framerate so its not all
bad and its certainly bigger than your average handheld TV ... gee even
having 4 gig to play with before I get the rest of the partitions going
feels really weird on something this small ....


OK PM disks done, lets boot up and see ... I'll just do the 1010-1040
area, if it doesn't work I can always redo it later, I don't anticipiate
having too much data round there anyway ... lets hope it likes EZ-Bios
(it occurs to me that if you do a floppy boot, EZ-Bios doesn't actually
get loaded!) ...


Oh wow! Looks like PM actually knows that EZ-Bios is there but its not
loaded and tells you how to load it when you boot from floppy (ie. boot
without floppy, go into EZ-Bios's setup screen with CTRL, put the floppy
in then tell it to boot off floppy). How nice ... of course I've got to
go and do the entire booting thing again ... *sigh* oh well ...


right PM booted, lemme see ... I already have a single 2 gig first
primary, a 12 gig extended partition with a 2 gig FAT32 partition
already there and some free space for a Linux partition ... I was hoping
PM would let me do actual boundaries but it only lets me do meg ... ah
well I've got 1274 cylinders in the exended partition to play with which
makes 7.85 meg per cylinder ... to get to cylinder 1010 I need to go in
3878 meg from the end of the second 2 gig partition then to get cylinder
1040 I need to go 5887.79 meg from the end of the extended partition ...
lets hope my math holds out! *hits 'Apply'*


Wouch! Geez the thing gets hot! OK stand on end, box fan trick again ...
*sigh* I'm wondering how wise it was doing this on an overclocked laptop
during summer ...


Geez its been what, at least 2 hours? And PM is STILL going! 61% ... the
progress bars ARE moving though so I guess its a case of wait and see


OK its all done, lets see the info ... and against all odds the
unallocated space has gone exactly at 1010 and 1040! Total of 243.2 meg
not allocated. I can live with that ... on the flip side, for some
reason PM has decided to put the 2 Linux partitions I was WANTING beyond
the extended partition INTO the extended partition and made it fill the
rest of the disk ... *sigh* ah well thats not too big an issue I guess
... OK lets reboot and start using some of the space! ... I realy can't
be bothered getting NT or Redhat working just yet, I'll think about that
later ...

NEways I'm still trying to figure out why I typed THIS too but oh well
... hope it helps someone!

- Raymond


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