Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 10:58:49 EDT
Subject: Re: [LIB] Confusion over W98 drivers for 100CT

In a message dated 10/25/02 2:22:20 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

> I downloaded all of the W98 drivers for the 100CT from the ToshUSA site 
>  (after finding the video drivers listed for the 50).  But I'm a bit 
>  about installing some of them, as they're referred to as W95 drivers too.  
>  Do these look familiar?:
>  *  05-01-1998  Toshiba Utility Toshiba Windows 95 Accessories for Libretto 
>  100CT (vW95AL100USB3; 02-06-1998; 1.06M)

IMHO, the accessories are worthless.  I never installed them on W98se.  Ran 
them with W95OSR2, but eventually deactivated them.  As I remember, they are 
things like a floating Tosh multi-tasking toolbar (redundant), a magnifier, 
and other resource hogs.
>  * 05-01-1998  Toshiba Utility Toshiba Windows 95 Controls for Libretto 
>  (v1.0; 02-06-1998; 294K)

You need these, includes the Hairy Light Bulb power management.
>  *  05-01-1998  Special Toshiba INF files for Windows 95 OSR2 (4.00.950b) 
>  (v1.0; 09-15-1997; 46K)

Shouldn't be necessary for W98, I never installed this with W95 and had no 
>  *  09-15-1999  Toshiba Utility Toshiba Win95 Controls Uninstaller (v1.0.; 
>  07-14-1999; 692K)

Handy to have available, I suppose.

>  *** 05-01-1998  Special Windows 95 Docking Utility for Libretto 100CT 
>  (v1.0B1; 04-13-1998; 133K)

I believe this was only necessary, under W95OSR2, to handle the 
loading/unloading of the USB driver, and then only if problems were 
encountered.  My understanding is that it is unnecessary with W98.

>  *** The W95 Docking Utility set up USB drivers fine. But I haven't loaded 
>  the rest.  Can anyone confirm the resat of them are the proper drivers for 
>  the L100 running W98?

IIRC, the USB drivers should be set up the first time you dock the 100CT and 
fire it up.  Be sure to have the .cab files on the HDD, though, because none 
of the PCMCIA slots will be active when W98 asks for the CD - and of course 
no CD w/o PCMCIA!
>  Then there's this:
>  08-19-1998  Special Windows 98 APM to ACPI Patch for ACPI-equipped systems 
>  (v1.0; 07-30-1998; 485K)

This patch is strictly for those instances where the user has installed W98 
but not updated the BIOS to at least V7.3 FIRST.  Toshiba strongly recommends 
doing the BIOS upgrade before installing W98, but supplies this patch as an 
after-the-fact repair.
>  ^
>  | This seems to resolve a conflict between the NeoMagic 128XD video driver 
>  and hibernation.  There's no documentation on it with the driver files.

I don't think these are related.

>  Running acpi.exe asked for the Win98 CD, Windows searched for new 
>  didn't find any, and then the 'ACPI Updeate" installation window got stuck 
>  at the "Finalizing Settings  Please wait" screen.  I had to alt-ctrl-del 
>  stop it after ~10 minutes
>  Running the other of the 2 executables, update.exe does the same thing.

If you've installed the ACPI patch on to a W98 install AFTER a BIOS upgrade, 
I think I would wipe the whole thing and start over.
>  And these... Does the IR driver have to be upgrades, and what does the 
>  driver change?:
>  09-15-1998  Infrared Toshiba Windows 98 Fast Infrared Port Driver (Type 0) 
>  (v1.41-RC2.; 08-13-1998; 560K)
>  05-01-1998  Mouse Toshiba Mouse Control version 1.2 (v1.2; 11-20-1997; 

I would defintely upgrade the IR, it's one of the things W98se supposedly 
does better than W95.  The mouse control adds Tosh features in Control Panel 
- not really necessary, but what the heck.
>  Thanks for any suggestions or feedback!
>  Matt

My fight with the W98se install was with hibernation. The lesson was to 
install the W95 utilities *FIRST*, check in Control Panel to be sure that 
"Power Saver" is in there and functional.  Then and only then install the W98 
Power Saver upgrade.  This will place a "Power Management" icon in Control 
Panel.  Click this and be sure it shows "Toshiba power mode" and that all 
boxes say "Never".  Then, under Advanced, set the lid closing and power 
button preferences.  Then, under Hibernate, click on Enable Hibernate 
Support. Reboot and cross your fingers :-)


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