Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 19:32:36 EST
Subject: Re: [LIB] Valvoline SynPower Penetrating Lubricant

In a message dated 10/31/02 3:45:25 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

> > Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 13:31:53 -0800 (PST)
>  > From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > Subject: Re: [LIB] Valvoline SynPower Penetrating Lubricant
>  >
>  > The Valvoline stuff, even though it puts out an odor that takes
>  > forever to dissipate, works fine in my HP m820e.  Just used the
>  > straw, dropped a few drops over the rails, moved the heads back
>  > and forth by the gears a few times to get total coverage, and
>  > that was it.  Working fine ever since.
>  You might find a teflon lubricant in drop form in a gun shop. ISTR 
>  that they were sold in the UK for air rifles and pistols because 
>  they didn't diesel. OTOH I've never been in a US gun shop, they 
>  might consider air weapons beneath their contempt.
>  Neil
Well since the topic's been broached, there is a very good light gun oil - 
Break-Free CLP - which used to be mil-spec, don't know if it is anymore.  It 
has the dreaded petroleum distillates, but also teflon. I use it for 
everything, and it has not yet caused any damage to plastic parts.  Also a 
product called Rem-Oil, made by Remington.  Same kind of formulation.  I 
would stay away from WD-40.  It is great stuff for certain applications, but 
its lubricant is quite volatile, and won't provide lasting lubrication.

And Neil, there is a great following here for air weapons, although you're 
right, the US gun shops typically don't specialize in them.


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