Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 19:46:04 EDT
Subject: Re: [LIB] Toshiba Laptop Selection

In a message dated 7/12/2004 7:40:33 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

> > I can afford.  I'm looking for a PII machine, in the 300-400mHz range, 
> > preferably not a heavyweight but fairly light/thin, maybe a 10.4" or 12" 
> LCD.
>   Only Librettos with these specs would be the Libretto L1 through L5 series
> that were sold in Japan.  (see for Yahoo Auctions Japan
> purchases for these items as well as for the occassional L 
> series
> that appears there)
>   eg.
> rd=1
> rd=1
> rd=1
> ----
> Otherwise, what does she want?  Light/small/expensive or heavy and cheap?
> For heavy & cheap, any of the Toshiba Satellite A series on sale at $899 
> after
> rebates or usually for ~$1000:
> eg.
> pfp=BROWSE
> ----
> Unfortunately, all of the lightwieght, new laptops are expensive, so here,
> you'll spend $1500-2200 easily.
> eg. Fujitsu P5000 $1500+
> eg. Sony TR series $2200+
> seCatalog-Start;sid=U3XSGOH0RpnSQKEHaMXYE6769QtXBCFi7LQ=?CategoryName=cpu_VAI
> ONotebookComputers_TRSeries&Dept=cpu_VAIONotebookComputers
> ----
> Basically, for school, you'll want 1) CD-RW to burn backups of reports, etc.
> 2) at least an Ethernet connection, but hopefully, either built-in WiFi 
> and/or
> PCMCIA card for cheap WiFI card, 3) decent battery life of 3+ hours 4) a 
> decent
> keyboard that she like typing on else cramps will happen and papers won't get
> done.
> Other than that, really, anything will do fine.  
> (Just avoid HP/Compaq's -- the worst in reliability ratings vs. else in the
> 2003 PC Magazine and PC World User Reliability Surveys - see their websites 
> for
> both.)
> Would not get a used notebook (unless it's a Toshiba Libretto, right? ,)
> simply because everything takes up so much processing power nowadays, you
> really will lose productivity on older, slower notebooks.
> (Yes, my L110 with Win98SE runs fine for the basics like email & WP, but
> realistically, it's too slow to do anything else worth doing -- 
> presentations,
> video editing & encoding, graphic editing, etc. -- all of which I do on my
> desktop.  Still, it's just the size for portable email and so forth...)
>   Would not go below the screen size of these notebooks as smaller can be a
> problem when you're doing long hours worth of work.  Just a bit too small for
> editing stuff hours on end sometimes on a tiny Libretto.
>   ---
>   d =)

Thanks, David, but as Neil surmised in his later email, I'm looking for a 
non-Libretto Toshiba laptop in the cheapo category.  Current finances prevent 
consideration of $1000 (or anywhere near that!) laptops.

I've been impressed with the ease of upgrading of my Libretto compared with a 
Sony Vaio I own, and the web site support Toshiba provides is far better than 
Sony.  And I wholeheartedly agree, no Compaqs or HPs.

My guess is my daughter will not require great processing power for the first 
couple of years.  I'm still using my PII-366 Sony (albeit shade-tree 
upgraded) for my work and it handles spreadsheets, the occasional database, and 

Thanks for the input.


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