Thanks, without the context it was somewhat harder to follow on license-discuss.

Consider this a vote in the negative as a non-member user of Apache software. 
If I have to start checking every Apache package for GPL code I'll have to 
strongly recommend that we approach all Apache packages with caution.

Becoming a "universal acceptor" significantly impacts your ability to be a 
"universal donor".  I have no desire to accidentally be the cause of any 
organization I work for becoming the test case for what is an aggregation vs 
what is a derivative.  If Apache was willing to indemnify downstream 
users...yah, I didn't think so.

Nice try though.

From: "<>" 
Reply-To: "<>" 
<<>>, License Discuss 
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 10:16 PM
To: License Discuss 
Subject: [License-discuss] Proposal: Apache Third Party License Policy

[This has been a hellishly long thread on private Apache lists before the board 
cut off discussion on revised policies. Below was the short start of it I 
submitted over two weeks ago. Apache board members don't want to revise current 
policy. Many Apache members don't want it. Still, it is a serious proposal to 
bring some more freedom and cooperation to open source. Please treat this as a 
political document for license-discuss@. /Larry]

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