On 2015/05/18 17:38:22, dak wrote:
It does not have non-ASCII notenames, so you might end up with
"español" being
the only non-ASCII word in the file

How much of a potential problem is it? Even in the absence of non-ASCII
chars, users are already strongly encouraged to use UTF8 encoding in
their source files.

Historically, I suspect the only reason why we’ve been stuck with
"espanol" for so long is because it was in fact a file name: \include
"espanol.ly" (and special chars in filenames are tricky when you’re
taking into account multiple platforms).

Now that the \language command has been introduced (for several years, I
might add), that reason has become moot so it’s only logical to complete
the transformation and make full use of accented chars in language names
(if not in note names, as we’ve seen).

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