There must be a way to accommodate LEAP in the new, spacious school…
Craig Donaldson

On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 7:03 PM Peter Buchthal <> wrote:

> The school is too big by any standard.  We have 550 students with a
> declining school population.  The architect and school administration at
> the time told us the building was designed for 650 students.  More
> recently, the school architects publicly told fellow architects that the
> school was designed for 700 students.  9 grades (k-8) each have 4 separate
> classrooms.   Only 2 of the 7 grades have enough students for 4
> simultaneous classrooms.  Applying the state education sizing guidelines
> for a new school, our 165,000 square feet should support over 1000
> students.
> It would be helpful to our discussion if people can agree on certain
> facts.
> What exactly do people like about Plans A, B or C?   I like none of them
> as I believe the premise of intergenerational mingling  as a goal  won't be
> accomplished with the limited available hours for senior programming  at
> Hartwell because of the parking, traffic and safety concerns.  The new
> community center will have senior programming by design only from 9 to 2:30
> on M, Tu, Th, Fr and 9 to 12 on Wed.
> The CCBC presents parking as ample with 50 spots nearby without telling
> the community that the current users of Hartwell may already be using many
> if not most of the 50 nearby spots.  So, we may only have 5 to 10 open
> spots at any given time or maybe even fewer if there are events/meetings
> going on at the main Hartwell building's multi purpose room, training room
> or School business office.
> I am afraid that the CCBC is sticking with a Community Center based in
> Hartwell for the wrong reasons.  The town has an obligation to its seniors.
> I  just don't want to build a core town building in a location that comes
> with so many restrictions/limitations.
> Peter Buchthal
> 71 Weston Rd
> On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 10:58 AM John Mendelson <>
> wrote:
>> You write as if everyone agrees the school has too much space.  I, for
>> one, don't.
>> In my view, if there are lessons to be learned from the school building
>> project, it is wise to examine the reasons why the town voted down the
>> project in 2012, thereby rejecting $20.9 million in state funding.  Hubris,
>> perhaps well-intentioned but overly wrought disagreements about site and
>> design, concerns about cost?  Likely, all of the above.
>> To my ear, this dialogue sounds very similar, and I cannot help but
>> believe that if we kick this down the road, costs are only going to
>> increase and the impact of the project diminished.
>> I trust the work the CCBC has done and will very likely support their
>> recommendation.
>> John
>> On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 7:22 AM Peter Buchthal <>
>> wrote:
>>> People of course are allowed to have their own opinions, but I don't
>>> believe this building project is about accepting our responsibility for
>>> taking care of our elders.  As I have mentioned before, my father lived to
>>> 97 and was a big user of his local Council on Aging.  You apparently
>>> believe that if one does not support the CCBC's decisions, you don't
>>> support our Council on Aging and its mission.  This is far from the truth.
>>> Many on Lincoln Talk  and others in town simply question the Council on
>>> Aging Hartwell generous building space requirements.   Residents simply do
>>> not want to build a building that is bigger than our needs like we did with
>>> the school. There is also a healthy debate on whether it makes sense to
>>> build a COA/Community Center on the Hartwell Campus without sufficient
>>> parking and limited hours to protect the pre-school Magic Gardens and
>>> school age (5+)  dropoff/Pickup from automobile running child parking lot
>>> mishaps.  I am also not aware of any community center anywhere that
>>> intentionally colocates a senior center and  daycare using a small shared
>>> parking lot.
>>> Many on Lincoln Talk and the town would hate to see the town build a
>>> huge building that is underutilized and repeats the lack of parking at
>>> Bemis Hall.
>>> As a small community with limited resources and the highest per capita
>>> debt in the commonwealth, we need to look at large projects with many eyes
>>> and many voices.  It is a shame that up to now, the CCBC really hasn't
>>> listened to the public's concerns.
>>> In an effort to lower the cost and save between 3 and 4 million, I have
>>> previously asked why Leap can't be relocated into the school where it
>>> belongs.  Almost all other school districts have extended day offerings
>>> within the school as the hours of a school and after school program
>>> dovetail perfectly.  Maybe we should ask our new Superintendent if he could
>>> house Leap within the school?
>>> Does anyone know where Leap is going to run while the Hartwell Project
>>> is under construction?
>>> Peter Buchthal
>>> 71 Weston Rd
>>> On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 6:03 PM john gregg via Lincoln <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I am so surprised that a community that encourages acceptance and
>>>> tolerance would further not doing the right thing like providing a place
>>>> for kids, adults and elders should be able to congregate.
>>>> It is about space, about money, about having to be held accountable for
>>>> past neglect like providing a school for children. A place where the kids
>>>> would be provided safe care at LEAP for parents who work. A place where
>>>> adults could allow care for the ones who actually took care of them if they
>>>> move back home.
>>>> This is the same discussion when deciding about a new school, a bunch
>>>> of intellectuals debating why things should not be provided to others like
>>>> was provided to them.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> John Gregg
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