hey list,

got a real bugger.

i built an application that imports 30 bitmaps on the first sprites
beginsprite , actually several movies that do this. sometimes it crashes my
machine when i navigate between movies, other times it doesn't. i realize
this is an extremely vague question, so i will try to elaborate.

the piece (i have discussed on the list before) imports files from nikon
cameras we have placed in the ceiling. we built software that crops the
images an creates individual images from these that get sent to a directory
of image folders. the director application uses fileXtra to find the
appropriate images, there is a color and black and white, imports the
appropriate image into the cast on runtime and either backsup or discards
the initial images to another series of folders. then after the importing
is complete the program animates the video. the images imported are about
2-4 mb a piece. they have to be large because they get projected up to
100x100 feet.

it all seemed to be going well for the first few days, but since leaving,
it has been acting buggy. we were running on a very suped up machine 1+gigs
of ram, extremely fast cpu. we were initially going to have a static ip so
that we could correct anything on the actual machine and test, but
switzerland does not have static ips. so i am forced to test on our old
piece of shit machine, which only has 128 mb of ram, and an ancient

i am guessing that the problem is the machine, but unfortuately it is only

I notice some odd  things happen when i load a new animation, and it's
equivalent images: the old animation movie the one it is leaving appears to
jump back a few frames, and cast members from the new movie show up.

i am using importFileInto to get the images.

i am so stumped and could use some help.


also i noticed an odd thing, i had a field that tracked the freeBytes as
oppoed to the freeBlock;

the freeBytes would gradually decrease, until it reached the size of the
freeBlock and then bounce back up again.

I would post these files but because of the images, most files are 40 mb.

 Brian Douglas  (:ub)

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