Are you importing the 30 or so images into 30 members, or into one? 
If you're importing into 30, and then processing 30 to external 
files, why not change to importing into one, process one, and then do 
the next? That would save 29 images worth of memory.

How do you make them into a video? Are you using key frames? Maybe 
you shouldn't. If you're playing them back as images, are you loading 
them into 30 members to get good playback? How about using a RAM disk 
and loading them via one member? It might sound like that's the same 
amount of memory, but they would be JPEG sized on a RAM disk, and 
full 32 bit size as separate members.

I can't remember all the details from when you first talked about 
this project, is there anything else you can tell us to make it 
clearer what's going on?

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