
repeat with x = 1 to Myvar

   if the mouseDown then
     exit repeat
     -- do your stuff
   end if

end repeat



>hi all,
>got a script than stays looping in a repeat.
>in some case, the loop takes several seconds to end. But i want to 
>be able to let him stop during the repeat.
>tried something like this via a button, but its ignored.
>global stop
>on somehandler
>    repeat with x = 1 to Myvar
>           if Stop = true
>                 Stop = false
>                 exit repeat
>          else
>                 do your job
>    end repeat
>on a button got a stop = true, global stop
>the thing doens't work. what should i need to use?
>the apple/.  stops the loop but quits the app as well.
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