Hey Evan,

I have to say that I've been kind of lucky in my freelance career as a developer. I've 
never had to market myself tons I manage to hook up with agencies and get a 
regular flow of work from them. So I don't do any selling of "the product" to the 
ultimate client, that is done through the agency I'm working with (these are usually 
small shops of 5 - 10 people) And basically they sell it as an end product not a 
"director" app or a "flash" app. The ultimate client usually justs asks for some kind 
of tool, training, kiosk whatever the agency I work with gives me the specs on 
there machines and says what can you put together for us that will work and at a 
reasonable cost under a tight timeline (I work fastest and best in director so that is 
usually my solution... and it does everything they need)

The only project recently where I had to "argue" for Director over Flash was a 
"multimedia" newsletter that was to be sent out as an e-mail attachment to the 
sales force. And basically it was a no brainer because the sales force did not 
have the flash MX player on their machines. They did have shockwave 8 and QT 5 
and since the newsletter had 2 minutes of video and had to come in under 1.2 mb 
when zipped a shocked projector built in director was able to meet all the criteria 
where FMX did not. I built it handed it over to their IT dept to test for 
and that was it.

Not sure if that offers any insight or its just babble on my end :-)


11/08/2003 1:02:02 PM, Evan Adelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Ok, so this brings up a question in my head: for all you successful full 
>time Director dev's, are you finding Director work through current 
>relationships, or do you have a different strategy to open new markets? 
>Do you bring Director to the table through pre-built projects ("We sell 
>Kiosk applications." or "We sell the majestic music video mixer 2000, 
>build with Director" or Rob's "Presentations for sales reps.") or 
>through custom engagements? And Rob, are you out there promoting your 
>example as a product vs. a custom solution from scratch? Care to share?

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