Message: 11
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 14:00:25 -0500
From: Colin Holgate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: <lingo-l> RE: QuickTime & Director

>1. When I go into QuickTime control panels-> video settings and change it to
>safe mode, I never crash anymore. But I am not allowed to give this
>instruction to my users, considered too technical.

The fix that was tried to sort ought video burn-in issues may help you too:

Open one of the QuickTime movies that always causes a crash, get info
on the video track, and under Graphics Mode change it from the
default of "dither copy" to the bottom entry in the list,
"composition (dither copy)". The movie will play back looking the
same, but won't try to use the hardware acceleration that gets used
when you're not in Safe Mode.

Doing that would allow you to fix the problem without the customer
changing anything.

Hi Colin,

I tried your fix and it did seem to stop the computer from crashing but the
video performance is not great. The soundtrack sync seems to get lost. Is
there anything else I can do to help performance a bit?


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