> Incidentally, following this thread, I built my first custom scroller and
> I'm wondering how to slow down the scroll speed. I have it set to
> ScrollByLine using +/- 1, but using the variable/ prepareframe method
> (which, I agree, is the best) it scrolls like a mad thing. I set it to 0.5
> and saw no difference, 0.25 and nothing happened. Since I've not used this
> before I wondered if anyone out there had dealt with this in some way.

There were some posts on dirGame-L recently about Frame based/time based
animations. Using a time-based approach will give you consistent speed. If
you can't find the thread, let me know, and I'll send you relevant posts
(that goes for anyone who's interested - It's a rather long discussion, so I
won't waste the bandwidth of those who are on both lists by posting it


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