>Controlling Flash buttons with Lingo is kinda janky.
>The amount of effort it would take to learn how to
>program buttons in Actionscript is minimal.  It will
>do it for you, too, if you make a Flash button.  You
>just put the off graphic in the UP frame, the roll
>graphic in the OVER frame, the down graphic in the
>DOWN frame, and any of those in the HIT frame.

I agree with everything you say, Steven. However, I'd like to add a word of 

Don't go overboard with your Flash assets. They can be handy, but use them 
in moderation

If your Director piece gets too Flash-heavy, it can really slow 
performance. I've had to spend the last month reworking the architecture on 
an inherited project because it had too many Flash assets, and they were 
hogging the CPU. Audio playback, especially, suffered on low-end machines.

I'll give an extreme example from a year or so ago. I had a program with 
one main Flash sprite, and 44 bitmap sprites. At one point I decided to try 
Flash for the other 44 sprites, to smooth out the on-the-fly resizing.

Big mistake. My frame rate went from about 30 fps to about 4 fps. Mind you, 
the Flash sprites were single-frame static Flash movies. Direct to stage, 
idleHandlerPeriod = 0, 4 fps (the motion was being driven by a timeout 
object, not the frame rate).

I'm not saying don't use Flash--just use it judiciously, with its 
limitations in mind.


Kerry Thompson

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