On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 01:01, you wrote:
> However, using a VQDIO Guest LAN on a z900 (31-bit mode), and sharing
> /usr but nothing else, it was taking us (when the machine wasn't doing
> anything else much) about 3 minutes.  Almost all of that was spent
> copying /; if we had had FlashCopy or something like that, I'd guess,
> based on the way we did it, which relied on DIRMAINT and 2 IPLs on Linux
> per guest (first time it comes up generic; it uses CMSFS to read stuff
> the cloning process put on its 191-disk to determine hostname, IP
> address, etc., and then write that onto the real filesystem and reIPL)
> about 30 or 45 seconds.

You should be able to do that configuration on the first boot and keep right
on going.

Two ideas. This is part of my inittab from RHL 7.3 on the desktop.

# System initialization.

Change it to read:
# One-time initialisation

# System initialization.

/etc/rc.d/first-time is a script that exits immediately if the system's
already been set up; otherwise it does the stuff defined by the 191-disk.

Second, front-end /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit by changing the line:

Note too that the kernel can be built with DHCP support.

John Summerfield

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