
Perhaps it wasn't installed.  If you're running the original SuSE
distribution, you need to go to and
download the RPMs there.  You should probably install mod_ssl.rpm,
openssh.rpm and openssl.rpm.  It wouldn't hurt to install the others as
well.  The versions there are old, so you might want to be adventurous and
get the source RPMs from and use the
.spec files in them to use as models for building current versions.  (I know
that sounds like a lot of work, and it is.  But, that's what running an old
distribution will cause. :(  )

If you're running the later SuSE distribution, or Red Hat, the needed RPMs
will be amongst the other RPMs for installation.  (CD 1 for SuSE.)

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Abruzzese, Pat [mailto:Pabruzzese@;]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: Use SSH instead of TELNET


I look around for it and can't find it. Which directory would it be located.
This is not a Marist file system.


P. Abruzzese

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Post, Mark K [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 11:54 AM
> Subject:      Re: Use SSH instead of TELNET
> Pat,
> It should have come on your distribution, unless you're using one of the
> Marist file systems (which I don't currently recommend).
> Mark Post
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Abruzzese, Pat [mailto:Pabruzzese@;]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 11:29 AM
> Subject: Use SSH instead of TELNET
> My Unix group will be installing an application under the VM Linux. They
> want to access Linux using SSH instead of TELNET. Where can I get SSH for
> Linux.
> vr,
> P. Abruzzese

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