On Wednesday 13 November 2002 10:46 am, Nix, Robert P. wrote:
> I just tried it on my SuSE, and I get the "extra arguments" error as well.
> rpm -q "ssh"
> works, as does
> rpm -qa

Because some packages have mixed case names, I often use something like this:

   rpm -qa | grep -i ssh

That would find, for example, a package named SSH-2.3.0-s390 as well as one
with the lower case ssh in its name. There are quite a few packages on Linux
that use mixed case names, so lower case isn't always a valid assumption. And
the common name of the program isn't always the same case as the package name.
(For example, CUPS and SSH have package names containing "cups" and "ssh".)


Scott D. Courtney, Senior Engineer                     Sine Nomine Associates
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           http://www.sinenomine.net/

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