On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 12:04, you wrote:
> We have TSM on AIX for Netware file backups which I assume we can use for
> Linux/Samba file backups. However I'm concerned about all that backup
> traffic going through the network and we'll be considering alternatives. We
> also plan to backup the Linux/Samba DASD with our OS/390 3390 volume dumps
> so we have a fast DR capability for file/print.

Read up on rsync. (rsync.samba.org) You can (disk space permitting) backup to
the AIX box, and after the first time, only transmit changed data.

You could elect to always have a full backup on the AIX system ready for
recovery: instead of doing a full restore and then several incremental
restores, you only need do the one.

I plan a backup server for small business based on the technology.

John Summerfield

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