On Wednesday, 04/12/2006 at 09:10 EST, James Melin
> Shouldn't you just be able to create a guest LAN/vswitch  that uses a
> hipersocket device group on VM as the interface and then present that to
> linux guest as device 9200 or somesuch? That way all the traffic on the
> hipersocket is handled by VM, and all the linux guests can talk on that
> and also get to z/OS through the z/VM real hipersocket?

As Rob said, VSWITCH is an OSA thing - it doesn't work with HiperSockets.
But if you aren't going to do something *interesting* (e.g. firewall) with
a virtual router, then I still suggest just dedicating HiperSocket
subchannels to the guests and be done with it.  Or use a VSWITCH on an OSA
shared with z/OS.

Putting in a virtual router as a temporary stop-gap measure while waiting
for an opportunity to reconfigure z/OS (in this case) is reasonable, but
it needs to be paired with a plan to eliminate it.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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