McKown, John wrote:
Many object to the phrase "kill list" that is often used by people to describe email which is automatically deleted upon reception. I once got a very strong email for using the phrase "twit list". Apparently that word is much stronger in other parts of the world than it is here in Texas. So I use the fairly neutral phrase "autodelete list" any more. It is more descriptive and less likely to be misunderstood.
I once got an adverse reaction when I described someone else as penurious, even though I included myself in the same description. Americans will need to do their homework on that, while some others can have a good chuckle. -- Cheers John -- spambait [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Advice You cannot reply off-list:-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit