
I am here... just busy doing some real work but I would answer some
questions quickly :

a) What am doing on this list ?

We are running Susse Linux on a Z box and we are also runiing Linux on
Servers... and gradually phasing Microsoft out..
Even at home I am phasing Linux-Mce in but it's painful.

b) Why do I have "spaces" in my email and lets debate the "spaces in my
email" ?

I am not going here because this should not be relevant to the debate and
hopefully, I do not get questions like this in future.

c) Rob van der Heij ?

Free speech is a good thing but if you do not agree with me, it does not
imply that you are a terrorist and should be "bombed/killed"... even if you
are in another Continent.


Thanks for all the intellectual email's I received "offline" and thanks to
those that tried to add value to a technical debate because that is what we
all get paid for , I think ?

Anton Britz

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