Linux-Advocacy Digest #950, Volume #25            Tue, 4 Apr 00 23:13:04 EDT

  Re: Sorry Microsoft, Facts Mean More Than Money On The Net (was:  (Gary Hallock)
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters. (Shell)
  Re: 2000: Hammer blows to the Micro$oft machine! ("Otto")
  Re: Linux stocks soar in aftermarket trading (Bob Lyday)
  Re: Linux stocks soar in aftermarket trading (The Ghost In The Machine)
  Re: Hammer blows to the Micro$oft machine! ("Otto")
  Re: What should be done with MS (Ted Gamron)
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters. (Shell)
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters. ("Erik 
  Re: benchmark for speed in linux / windows ("Rich Cloutier")
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS  supporters. 
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters. ("Erik 
  Re: remedy ("Rich Cloutier")
  Re: Hammer blows to the Micro$oft machine! (Damien)
  Re: So where are the MS supporters. ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: Hammer blows to the Micro$oft machine! (Gary Hallock)


Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 09:58:33 -0400
From: Gary Hallock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sorry Microsoft, Facts Mean More Than Money On The Net (was: 

Gary Hallock wrote:

> > Who the hell cares ?
> > The discussion is about speed of find under Linux and Windows. The
> > content of the files is not an issue as we are searching for file
> > name, nothing else.
> >
> But the number of files to be searched is important.   A better comparison
> would be to search the same directory tree for the same files.  Have you tried
> something like
> find /home/msdos -name options -print
> and compared it to windows find?
> Gary

I should also add that if you are dual booting Windows and Linux and have the
Windows partition mounted, then find / will have to search all of Windows as well
as Linux.  That would make Linux find take more time even if it were faster than
Windows find.   You must compare apples to apples.



Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters.
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 01:56:19 GMT

George Marengo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Take a look at Netcraft's numbers for IIS vs. Apache. Are you quite
>sure that it's headed toward ground?

 Thank you for bringing that up.

 It is my contention that it is in fact Apache which put Netscape into the

 Think about it for a bit.  In both the case of Netscape and Internet
Explorer they gave the browser away for free.  Why?

 The thought was, they could get you hooked and then sell backend
services(i.e the Server) to make income.

 This was especially apparent in the early versions of Netscape which
introduced forms and other features which required Netscape's server product
to take advantage of them.  Similarly the later addition of SSL, etc.

 And for a time, Netscape had a lock on the market.

 But was it the loss of the browser market which forced them to be
unprofitable?  No, because that was never a profit making motive for either

 And since Apache is the market leader this makes them primarily responsible
for putting Netscape into the ground.

 Unless of course you believe that Microsoft has been responsible because
more important sites are run on IIS than Apache.  But that creates an
interesting conundruum for you since it would not support the argument I
just quoted above. :)
Steve Sheldon                          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BSCS/MCSE                              url:
BEEF! - Cause the west wasn't won on salad.


From: "Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2000: Hammer blows to the Micro$oft machine!
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 01:57:06 GMT

"JEDIDIAH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> It's not the "investment" in the software, it's the inability
> of their people to adjust to different but equivalent interfaces.

You don't suppose that the DoJ will hand out ability to handle different
interfaces, together with the verdict. Do you?

> In terms of $$$, they'll likely save money with a Linux migration.
> They just might get themselves off the upgrade treadmill.

Although they could save $$$$ with the Linux migration, the saving could be
erroding rather quickly. There is such a factors, like productivity, which
would suffer.

> [deletia]
> This whole "must switch to word" problem is just one of the
> many reasons severe penalties need to be levied against M$.

Based upon what?

> If law firms can't be free to choose what they view to be
> the best product, who can...

Who is stopping a law firm from choosing the best product? Once the choice
is made, be that MS, Unix, or even Linux, they are stuck. The platform makes
no difference.



Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 18:59:30 -0700
From: Bob Lyday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux stocks soar in aftermarket trading

David Steinberg wrote:
> > 
> I bet Billy-boy is rocking so hard his face is hitting his desk.
Actually I think he just soiled his diapers.  Haw haw haw haw
"There are no significant bugs in our released software that any
significant number of users want fixed," Bill Gates, in an
interview with Focus magazine, Oct 23, 1995.
Remove ".diespammersdie" to reply.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Ghost In The Machine)
Subject: Re: Linux stocks soar in aftermarket trading
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 02:02:32 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote on Wed, 05 Apr 2000 00:39:16 GMT
>Amen.... It will peak and sink faster than the Titanic.

And of course Windows 2K will kill it faster than one can
say "Jack Robinson", as well as featuring all new kinds of
functionality, which will Allow Windows To Do Anything(r)(tm)
and Help You Go Where You Want To Go Today(r)(tm) -- but
only if one has 128 megs of RAM and a dedicated 8 gig hard drive.

You'll pardon me if I don't hold my breath.  I for one would
hope for both operating systems (yes, Linux has warts, too)
to fit on various desktops and possibly even servers (though
Linux is going to have to deal with the "oops I allocated too
much memory, and now I'm going to die on an arbitrary pagefault"
issue -- if the coders of Linux haven't already; I don't know

After all, there's also Solaris, HP-UX, BeOS, and NeXT (if it's still
around), vying for attention.  (And maybe OS/2, although I can't
say I've looked for it lately. :-) )

Windows may be the best operating system out there (for suitably
strange values of "best"), but it's not the only one.  For me,
it's not even the best one. :-)

>On Tue, 4 Apr 2000 20:10:54 -0400, "JOGIBA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Microsoft makes more money in one hour than all the Linux companies made in
>>the last ten years. Linux will never be a mainstream desktop OS .

One wonders if this is a bug or a feature.... :-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- insert random misquote here


From: "Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hammer blows to the Micro$oft machine!
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 02:04:16 GMT

"Tim Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> let's count 'em:
> 1. DOJ ruling

Give it at least a year before something actually happens.

> 2. Netscape 6

It still blows, especially under Linux

> 3. KDE 2.0 (I haven't forgotten gnome just not paying attention)

Isn't faster, or better than Windows interface.

> 4. K Office

Wanna be Office....

> 5. Linux 2.4

When, isn't it already late?

> 6. Corel Office for linux

Isn't free and just a cheap imitation of the real thing.

> 7. NDS for linux

Who cares?

> 8. W63K is a laughable DUD.  their new OS reminds me of that fat
> bloated creature in the movie "Blade".

I haven't seen "Blade"

> 9. Big linux strategy from IBM

Even bigger strategy for Windows 2000 from IBM

> 10. Total, utter failure of Win98.  the biggest piece of
> worthless shit ever sold to anyone.

Question of opinion, millions disagree...

> 11. BeOS making slow progress (wrt its popularity)

Very, very slow...

> Fat assed Windows is coasting, sputtering and dying, Linux is
> behind but accelerating.

Yeah, last year Linux was at the edge of the cliff. Speed off Linux....

> 2000 will be more exciting for linux than 1999 was.

And someone said the same thing in year 1998....

> Can they survive this?  Let's hope not!

Not only they can, they will. It'll be decided by the market and not DoJ.



From: Ted Gamron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What should be done with MS
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 02:07:12 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

 I think you need to demo Hara-Kairi to the readers of this news group.


> Hi,
> In a way I feel sad that the Samurai laws can not apply to Microsoft. I.e.
> when a Samurai was found guilty of a crime he comited Hara-Kiri, In the case
> of Microsoft it should be bankrupted and never be allowed to start up
> bussiness again and Bill Gates should be hanged in public. This would be the
> ideal situation.... but then again we don't live in a ideal world ...
> Michael
> --
> Michael C. Vergallen A.k.A. Mad Mike,
> Sportstraat 28       
> B 9000 Gent          
> Belgium                         tel : 32-9-2227764 Fax : 32-9-2224976

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
&nbsp;I think you need to demo Hara-Kairi to the readers of this news group.
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hi,
<p>In a way I feel sad that the Samurai laws can not apply to Microsoft.
<br>when a Samurai was found guilty of a crime he comited Hara-Kiri, In
the case
<br>of Microsoft it should be bankrupted and never be allowed to start
<br>bussiness again and Bill Gates should be hanged in public. This would
be the
<br>ideal situation.... but then again we don't live in a ideal world ...
<br>Michael C. Vergallen A.k.A. Mad Mike,

<br>B 9000 

tel : 32-9-2227764 Fax : 32-9-2224976




Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters.
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 02:07:47 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (redrum) writes:
>I already believe that Linux runs on Intel architecture chips. I'm not 
>sure if they have a good GUI or not, but it's really needed to succeed. 
>Computer makers have been bullied by M$ into putting only Windows on 
>their PCs. If they can get those agreements invalidated under the 
>antitrust ruling, then they'll be free to put whatever they want on 
>their PCs. Windows runs 95% of PCs now because people will buy what is 
>common. M$ snagged the market early so that when Joe Blow went out to 
>buy his first PC, he saw that they all were running Windows so he said 
>why not. But if a good number of Linux PCs come out with a good GUI and 
>Windows compatible apps, people will look into them. 

 The Amiga and Macintosh had a chance to do this back in the 1980's when the
PC was relatively uncommon in the home market.  It didn't happen, despite
Commodore actually having the largest share of the home market in the early

 There are forces at work here far more powerful that Microsoft, far more
powerful than the Computer makers unwillingness to waste their time putting
other software on the machines.  That force is the consumer, woe be it to
him who defies the will of the consumer.
Steve Sheldon                          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BSCS/MCSE                              url:
BEEF! - Cause the west wasn't won on salad.


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters.
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 21:14:35 -0500

Mark S. Bilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8ccr85$mej$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >Believe that MS has done more for the home computing market than any
> >corporation to date. They have truely brought the geek world of
> >computing to the desktop of the typical soccer mom.
> Microsoft has stolen practically every idea that it has
> implemented (badly) for the public, often using coercive and
> illegal methods which have destroyed the originators of those
> ideas, and prevented them from bringing out a much better
> product.

Wow.  That's the pot calling the kettle black if I ever heard one.  What's
Linux if not stolen ideas from other Unix OS's and now stealing ideas from
Microsoft and Apple?


I always question articles that only show one side of the story.  For
instance, the article mentions Stac, and that they won their court case yet
mysteriously doesn't mention the fact that Microsoft won a countersuit
against them (showing that Stac wasn't playing fair either).

> >Believe that whatever the government does, MS will come out on top of
> >it all. Checked your phone bill lately? Deregulation did wonders for
> >us all in that market :(
> Long distance rates within the U.S. used to be about 30 cents
> a minute, and now they are 5 cents.  It's amazing how this
> guy just pours the lies out so glibly and hopes that we will
> believe them.

Those 5 cent plans usually have a monthly fee, so you pay 5 or 6 dollars a
month wheter you use long distance or not.  Therefore, if I use 1 minute of
long distance, I'm paying $6.05 per minute, not 5 cents a minute.

> Meaning what, that Microsoft hasn't bombed the headquarters
> of Red Hat?  MS has spewed out huge amounts of propaganda
> against Linux and other competitors, some secretly financed
> in astroturf operations, has paid for rigged benchmarks, used
> non-disclosure agreements to prevent companies from publishing
> benchmarks where Linux comes out ahead, put up a whole website
> full of lies about the competition, etc.


Rigged benchmarks?  Even Linus and the others that KNOW linux agreed that
the benchmarks showed faults in Linux, and they did lots of work to fix
those faults.  If they were rigged, why did Linux have to be improved?

Additionally, in true Mark Bilk fasion, you portray events that did not
happen as actually having happened.  The "stealth blitz" you link to states
specifically that it never happened, yet you claim that it did.  Why is
that?  Are you exagerating and lying?

> If that were true, there wouldn't be so many Microsoft propa-
> gandists lying about (mostly non-existent) shortcomings in
> Linux, and trying in every other way to discourage people
> from using it.

Non-existant shortcomings.  I see, so Linux is perfect.  Glad to hear it.
Everyone can stop work now.  Go home (or if you're working from home, go
out).  It's done.  Nother more to do.

> The true situation is that applications fulfilling the
> requirements (with the exception of games) of most Windows
> users are *now* available under Linux, almost all of them
> at no cost.

At no cost for personal use.  Commercial use still costs money in many
cases.  More Mark exagerations?  Which comprehensive Office Suite is
completely free for commercial use?  Since you say "almost all of them" are
free?  I don't think anyone would argue that StarOffice or Applixware had
even 10% of the features of Word.  You can argue till you're blue in the
face that nobody uses more than 10% of the features of word but that would
be forgetting that each and every person uses a different 10%.

> >To date I have given out somewhere near 50  Linux CD's  and not one,
> >not even one, person has stuck with Linux that I am aware of.
> There is no reason whatsoever to believe this claim.

Which claim?  That's he's given out 50 CD's or that none have stuck with
Linux?  Given that you know nothing about the people he gave them to,
there's no reason to disbelieve the claim either.  Unless you know the
people he gave them to.

> The public posting record of Steve/Mike/teknite/etc. shows
> all the credibility and integrity of a rabid weasel on crack,
> and the truth values of his statements are well approximated
> by a random sequence of zeroes and ones.  If he wrote that
> the Sun rises in the East, one would have a sudden urge to
> check that it still does.

So in other words, instead of addressing the statement, you prefer to change
the subject.

> >Linux in and of itself sends a powerful message....
> It certainly does, one which all these guys have worked very
> hard to keep people from listening to, but they have failed.
> Here's a list of the pro-Microsoft/anti-Linux propaganda
> spammers operating in comp.os.linux.advocacy, present and
> past (including multiple fake names used by the same person).
> Some of them post at a rate of nearly 500 articles per month,
> each:
> "Drestin Black", Chad Myers, Erik Funkenbusch, Stephen Edwards,

Ha!  I'm not anti-Linux, no matter what you believe.  I use Linux every day
and enjoy it.  I simply don't believe that it's going to take over the world
or replace Microsoft.  I also don't believe that in it's current form it's
any kind of replacement for windows.  Most knowledgeable Linux advocates
seem to agree with that.

> Steve/"teknite"/keymaster/keys88/"Sewer Rat"/heather/mcswain/
> "S"/"Sponge"/"Sarek", etc., "Chad Mulligan"/"boobaabaa",
> Jeff Szarka, Robert Moir, Steve Sheldon, "piddy", Brent Davies,
> Boris, "ubercat"/"Odin", "Xerophyte"/Kelly_Robinson, "bob/bill/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED](", "Cuor di Mela", etc.


From: "Rich Cloutier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: benchmark for speed in linux / windows
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 22:16:56 -0400

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> The question is why is Linux Find so damm slow?
>  Is it the disk i/o subsystem?
> The OS itself?
>  What is the reason?
> Why is Windows so much faster at a brute force find a file name
> search?

Maybe it's because Windows is too braindead to realize that "filename" and
"FILENAME" are two different files (or should be) and a "brute force" search
under Windows has less comparisons to do than a "brute force" search under

-- Rich C.
"Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people."


From: "fmc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS  supporters.
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 02:13:51 GMT

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On 04 Apr 2000 23:51:37 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Damien) wrote:
> >On Tue, 04 Apr 2000 21:57:04 GMT, in,
> >Leonard F. Agius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >| > Most people have some requirements that go beyond the standard
> >| > WP/Spreadsheet/Browser.  I need a  financial app like Quicken or MS
Money, a
> >| > tax preparation program like TurboTax, TaxCut, or TaxSaver, and
> >| > management software like MS Project or CA-SuperProject.  These don't
> >| > for Linux.  I also can't manage my bank accounts online.  That
> >| > either Windows or Mac.
> >
> >Finace management and tax preparation
> >
> >
> >My bank allows me to use any browser capable of SSL.
> You're joking right?

FRESH MEAT???   ROTFL.  That sure has that stable financial aura.

> You are comparing a collection of checkbook balancing programs to
> QuickBooks ?
> Oh, I really like PTax98. "Computes MOST of the 1998 Federal 1040EZ?
> I'll bet the IRS is real interested in the part it doesn't compute.

At least you get to deduct the COST of the software.  And the 1999 version
should be out any day now.

> I'll be sure to watch for the 2000 update so I can switch from
> TaxCut...
> What a joke....
> Steve


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters.
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 21:21:13 -0500

George Marengo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >My phone bill is almost $22.00 before I even make a call.
> Is that a direct consequence of deregulation, or is that due to  over
> taxation?

Most of it goes to pay for things like "access charges".  For instance, you
pay money to allow other phone companies to have access to your local phone
companies wires.  Most of the taxes go to paying for regulation bodies.

> >Linux buries itself on it's own accord. It doesn't need any help.
> If it doesn't need any help, then surely you have an explanation for
> the Microsoft "Halloween" document, right?

Oh, you mean that memo that was written by ONE PERSON?  You act as if it was
sent out by Bill Gates or some other board memo as company policy.  It was a
proposal written by one person to his superiors.  I could write any number
of such plans, with even worse content and it wouldn't mean a thing unless
it were accepted by my superiors and turned into company policy.  There is
no evidence that this is the case.

> >It's fun watching you guys squirm and set up a human shield to protect
> >the beloved kernel.
> >Only in this group do you see threads arguing over a single word
> >trying to define what constitutes programming. That's the very reason
> >why MS will win the war and Linux will peak and head toward ground
> >faster than one of Von Braun's V2's.
> Take a look at Netcraft's numbers for IIS vs. Apache. Are you quite
> sure that it's headed toward ground?

It's really hard to tell, since Netcrafts figures count domains and not
servers.  Given that most domains are hosted by their ISP's, and run on
whatever equipment their ISP has, it seems that very few ever CHOOSE which
server to use.  Additionally, since ISP's run mostly on Unix of some sort,
that means that most domains will run on Unix.

> >So why aren't people running in mass from M$ if they can get all of
> >this great stuff for free?
> Because they're not used to it, it's different, it doesn't run Word,
> it's not what their employer uses, it's not what came on their
> computer, etc. In other words, lots of reasons.

And how is that going to change?


From: "Rich Cloutier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: remedy
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 22:21:47 -0400

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:8cctbm$tu8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> reduce copyright protection for Microsoft products to 3 years.
> Why should the people defend Ms's rights when they flaunt the law.

That won't help. Microsoft plans to sell software that times out anyway.
They can set the "timeout" to whatever they want. They should separate the
OS, Application, and Services divisions into separate companies and force
them to release complete file format specifications.

> Sent via
> Before you buy.

-- Rich C.
"Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Damien)
Subject: Re: Hammer blows to the Micro$oft machine!
Date: 05 Apr 2000 02:22:25 GMT

On Wed, 05 Apr 2000 02:04:16 GMT, in,
Otto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > 5. Linux 2.4
| When, isn't it already late?

Soon.  It's not late because there is no due date. It will be released
when it's ready, regardless of what the marketing department says.


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So where are the MS supporters.
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 21:29:43 -0500

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:8cddjl$gv6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> BUZZ, Franky is Wrong again. 1 the trial deals with a set time period.
> What happens now is irrelevant. thief can not say he is innocent because
> he is not stealing now. As with the thief, the damage has already been
> done! 2. During the period covered by the trial, MS did not believe
> Linux was a threat. 3. The word "believe" means that even if Linux were
> a viable alternative MS did not "believe" Linux was a threat, thus you
> claim here is false. The only time MS and people like you act as if
> Linux is a threat is in the context of the trial. Also, if you read the
> document you will find that you need to take MS behavior as a WHOLE and
> not look at each individual issue independently of the rest, as you have
> done here.

First of all, the purpose of the trial is not to punish Microsoft, but to
stop anti-competitive behavior, should it exist.  Therefore, any evidence,
even after the beginning of the trial that shows that the supposition of
continued dominance is false should be relevant.


Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 10:26:07 -0400
From: Gary Hallock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hammer blows to the Micro$oft machine!

Otto wrote:

> "Tim Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> >
> > let's count 'em:
> >
> > 1. DOJ ruling
> Give it at least a year before something actually happens.
> > 2. Netscape 6
> It still blows, especially under Linux

So, have you actually used Netscape 6?

> > 3. KDE 2.0 (I haven't forgotten gnome just not paying attention)
> Isn't faster, or better than Windows interface.

Again, have you used KDE 2.0?

> > 4. K Office
> Wanna be Office....

So you say.

> > 5. Linux 2.4
> When, isn't it already late?

It's in the final stage of beta testing now.  2.3.99-pre3 is available for

> > 6. Corel Office for linux
> Isn't free and just a cheap imitation of the real thing.

The real thing being MS???

> > 7. NDS for linux
> Who cares?
> > 8. W63K is a laughable DUD.  their new OS reminds me of that fat
> > bloated creature in the movie "Blade".
> I haven't seen "Blade"
> > 9. Big linux strategy from IBM
> Even bigger strategy for Windows 2000 from IBM

> > 10. Total, utter failure of Win98.  the biggest piece of
> > worthless shit ever sold to anyone.
> Question of opinion, millions disagree...

And millions agree.




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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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