Linux-Advocacy Digest #726, Volume #26           Sun, 28 May 00 10:13:04 EDT

  Re: QB 4.5 in Win 2000 (budgie)
  Re: how to enter a bug report against linux? (sonit@hcthit)
  Re: QB 4.5 in Win 2000 (budgie)
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? (rj friedman)
  Re: how to enter a bug report against linux? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: OSWars 2000 at (rj friedman)
  Re: Tholen's Thole tholenated - Thread now tholenified ("Shock Boy")
  Re: KDE is better than Gnome (Mig Mig)
  Re: Installing Linux Mandrake 7.0 (Mig Mig)
  Re: winodws hlp file about linux (mlw)
  Re: The Linux Fortress (sandrews)
  Re: Thorne digest, volume 2451691 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux Losers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: IBM finally admits OS/2 is dead, officially. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? (Karel Jansens)
  Re: any screen capture package? (Nicholas Murison)
  Re: The Linux Fortress (Robert Heininger)
  Re: Thorne digest, volume 2451693 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: winodws hlp file about linux (Salvador Peralta)
  Re: QB 4.5 in Win 2000 (T. Max Devlin)
  Re: The Linux Fortress (Angry Bob)
  Re: The Linux Fortress ("Robert L.")


From: budgie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.lang.basic,
Subject: Re: QB 4.5 in Win 2000
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 11:19:58 GMT

On 27 May 2000 15:35:24 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Damien) wrote:

>On Sat, 27 May 2000 14:07:17 GMT, in,
>budgie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>| Time to reinstall the whole shebang.  Gets rid of a closet full of
>| ghosts.
>Do you consider that an acceptable solution?

I haven't needed to do that (except one occasion when Netscape
Communicator turned feral) but it ensures that you have things in

>| >>They also issued a
>| >> >patch for Word 6 which allowed it to read Word 97 files.
>| So you expect FORWARD compatibility.  Let's see - my Word6.0C has a
>| copyright 1993-94 on it.  Were they expected to know the Word97 format
>| changes in 1993/94?  Get real.
>A well designed file format would allow that.  Word 6 should be able
>to read file from Word 97, and vice versa.  I wouldn't expect Word 6
>to be able to view and edit all the new whiz-bang features, but I do
>expect it to be able to still be able to read and edit the basic

The ONLY way that a 1994 product could handle the format of a 1997
product is if there were no advancement.  The biggest limitation of
Wintel systems is the designers' perceived need to maintain backward
compatibility.  While I like B/C  I also recognise it is like running
the marathon towing a caravan.  If new features are going to be
introduced then there will inevitably be a need to modify or extend
the file format.   That's the price of progress. That's reality.


From: sonit@hcthit
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: how to enter a bug report against linux?
Date: 28 May 2000 03:43:14 -0700

>>wholly cow. another idiot.

>If this is how you act out in the real world I feel sorry for you.  Grow up.

Well, you were an idiot actually. Nothing wrong with calling an
idiot an idiot. Any one who claims a mailing list can act as a bug 
tracking software must be a very stupied person.

btw, freebsd have a good bug tracking system, Linux can learn from
that. This is the URL



From: budgie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.lang.basic,
Subject: Re: QB 4.5 in Win 2000
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 11:23:06 GMT

On Sun, 28 May 2000 02:03:03 +0200, Giuliano Colla


>Don't make me laugh lad! Do you think that Epson Computers delivers
>faulty pre-installed systems? And so does Fujitsu-Siemens?

Yes, fujitsu have and so have Compaq.  But what does that prove?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rj friedman)
Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: 28 May 2000 11:52:00 GMT

On Fri, 26 May 2000 15:09:53 Seán Ó Donnchadha 

¯>Why do MS ass kissers insist on trying to convince the whole
¯>world that the mediocrity perpetrated on the computing 
¯>public known as the "Windows Experience" is really Tutti 
¯>Frutti ice cream and not dog shit. In spite of the fact that
¯>anyone with an independent mind can readily ascertain that 
¯>it stinks to high heaven, you MS ass kissers swear it is the
¯>best tasting Tutti Frutti that was ever put on the market.

¯Actually sonny boy, I've worked in both worlds, and I know that the
¯Windows experience really is about a hundred times tastier than the
¯world of commercial Unix software. Don't get me wrong. Jihad-oriented
¯software like GNU/Linux/OpenSource is usually damn good, which is
¯understandable given that it's developed without the pressures of
¯commercial competition. But end-user Unix applications are on average
¯bloatier, buggier, uglier, much less usable, and overall shittier than
¯their Windows counterparts. Now I realize that you and your fellow
¯McNealy suck buddies will never have the decency to admit that
¯publically. But you can start by admitting it to yourselves.

It has long been a contention of mine that the only people 
in the computing world who aren't absolutely repulsed by MS 
are the suckers and those who rely on the suckers to earn 
their silver. Thanks for helping me bear that out.


[RJ]                 OS/2 - Live it, or live with it. 
rj friedman          Team ABW              
Taipei, Taiwan       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To send email - remove the `yyy'


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: how to enter a bug report against linux?
Date: 28 May 2000 11:56:19 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc sonit@hcthit wrote:
:>>wholly cow. another idiot.

:>If this is how you act out in the real world I feel sorry for you.  Grow up.

: Well, you were an idiot actually. Nothing wrong with calling an
: idiot an idiot. Any one who claims a mailing list can act as a bug 
: tracking software must be a very stupied person.

Or a very clever one. As in the entire collective power of the
university professors, elite software coders, and other interested
hackers worldwide who make up the kernel developers.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rj friedman)
Subject: Re: OSWars 2000 at
Date: 28 May 2000 11:40:22 GMT

On Sat, 27 May 2000 02:19:58 "Brad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

¯OS/2 Warp:
¯Some people might question including OS/2 in this at this point but my
¯background is in OS/2 and I'm pretty fond of the operating system (I still
¯run it on a few machines around here).  Its main problem is that its parent
¯wants it to go away and has made it increasingly clear that they want it to
¯go away.

Typical Wardell rewriting the facts to suit his own agenda.

The truth is, IBM wanted YOU to go away. YOU. They perceived
something in you business plan and/or personality that told 
them that YOU were not the right one for the job. YOU were 
rejected - not OS/2. YOU were perceived to be lacking - not 

YOU - with your enormous - yet brittle - ego couldn't take 
face it, so - in a typical psychological reaction, btw - you
twisted into something that would salve your ego.

We'll never know what it was that decided them that YOU were
not good enough, but each time you post this bullshit of 
yours it becomes increasingly clear that they made the right

Take a hint Wardell - GO AWAY! And stay away. Take all your 
psychological baggage with you. Don't look back. Don't come 
back. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


[RJ]                 OS/2 - Live it, or live with it. 
rj friedman          Team ABW              
Taipei, Taiwan       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To send email - remove the `yyy'


From: "Shock Boy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tholen's Thole tholenated - Thread now tholenified
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 12:42:59 GMT

"Marty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Shock Boy wrote:
> >
> > "Marty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > Shock Boy wrote:
> > > >
> > > > "Mayor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > > > In article <0_WW4.10747$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > > >Mayor writes:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >>> Christopher Smith writes:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >>>>>> We sic Tholen onto you.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >>>>> Who is "we"?
> > > > > >
> > > > > >>>> We is us.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >>> Who is "us"?
> > > > > >
> > > > > >> Us is "we", obviously.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >Classic circular reasoning.
> > > > > >
> > > > > If A=B does not B=A?
> > > >
> > > > And that does nothign to tell you
> > >
> > > What it does "nothign" to tell us is irrelevant.  What you can prove
> > > relevant.
> Note:  no response.

No response as you did not ask a question to respond to.

> > > > if in actuality, A=B
> > >
> > > Illogical.  A=B is a given.  Haven't you been paying attention?
> >
> > You stated "IF". Not that it "IS".
> Attribution problems, Shock Boy?  I made no such statement.  More evidence
> your reading comprehension problems.
> However, whether or not I stated such a thing is irrelevant, as "us = we"
is a
> given.

Sorry, that is not correct.. The population of  "Us" and "we" may be the
same, but they are not 100% equatable.

"we" denotes that the group is in the subject of a sentence, where as "us"
is the objective case of "we".

Subjective case is not fully equal to the objective case.

All you can state is that the "Population of We" = "Population of Us".

Their location/position, however, differs.


Subject: Re: KDE is better than Gnome
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 14:47:40 +0200

> In article <Ww3S4.869$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   "none2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > one thing i hate about KDE is that
> >  (a) it looks likes windows
> >  (b) gnome doesnt
> >
> > even KDE2, is going down the path of intregated www browser in file
> > manager tool,too all those KDE users who want Windows type interface, how
> > about.. run windows? I Installed linux to get away from windows, not to
> > see another wannbe windows interface. KDE is a toy. QT sucks as a widget
> > looks bland, and licensing issues make it undesirable to use.
> >
> > btw I run Windowmaker/Gnome, and it looks *nothin* like windows.
> >
> > linux and damn proud of it.

Nonsens.. Gnome is nothing else than a KDE klone....main difference in
looks is the wonderfull panel Gnome has. I even remenber my own
disappointment installing Gnome first time just to discover that it was not
something else than KDE but just a KDE lookalike.

Off course im just talking about looks - underneath there are substantial


Subject: Re: Installing Linux Mandrake 7.0
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 14:52:09 +0200

Pete Goodwin wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mig Mig) wrote in <8gpffl$qis$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >Pete Goodwin wrote:
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mig Mig) wrote in <8gmpjq$94q$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> 
> >> >No  i was not in denial... and he just admitted that the problem was
> >> >his own error by installing linx4win and not a real install of
> >> >Mandrake. 
> >> 
> >> You said you didn't believe me. I mean, I made the assumption that
> >> lnx4win works - how was I supposed to know that it doesn't? Isn't it a
> >> version of Linux after all?
> >
> >Beause you didnt Read The Fucking manual.. i think README file
> >for both RedHat and Mandrake installations tells you what to do.. at
> >least i remenber reading it in some file in the CD's root directory
> What you mean I have to actually READ something! I can't just install and 
> go? You do realise with Windows I've never read any of the manuals, yet I 
> do installs all the time!

No - i say you just put the CD in and boot the PC.. Thats it.. the "real"
Mandrake will be installed. Just answer the few question posed.


Subject: Re: winodws hlp file about linux
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 08:50:49 -0400

Brian E Boothe wrote:
>  ive compiled various documents and Text's into a windows HLP file
>  that various Windows users can use in there Linux installations
>   just email me to recive a copy i will post it with my letter
> soon   THANKS

There is something findimentally wrong with a Windows .hlp file for
Linux. You know what I mean?
Mohawk Software
Windows 9x, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
Have you noticed the way people's intelligence capabilities decline
sharply the minute they start waving guns around?


Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 08:53:09 -0400
From: sandrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Linux Fortress

Pete Goodwin wrote:
> I want to setup my old PC to be a Linux file server. It needs to support
> SMB. My new PC will be dual bootable, and run Windows 98 SE and Linux.
> It took me a while to get Samba to work. I found I could see the Windows
> shares from Linux but not vice versa. Yet, from Linux, I could see Linux
> shares.
> After reading the documentation, and scanning through the smb.conf file I
> came across the encrypted password setting. smb.conf points to files I was
> unable to find, so I tried encrypted anyway, and it worked.
> The help on the Samba server in the GUI is basically one _long_ document.
> Boy is that a pain to use!
> Now, the GUI that configures the Samba server is the kind I'd call
> advanced. What is missing is the simple configuration for those of us who
> want to "set it up and forget it". This is where Windows scores, and Linux
> is still lagging behind.
> Pete

So the point is?

Let me guess, you hav`nt passed remedial reading???? 
Or are you one that can`t follow directions??
Or your just too damn lazy?

Penguin Powered, Born to serve and protect.

"You can open self extracting archives using PKZIP25.EXE 
  or unrar" - censored by Microsoft." - Slashdot
"You can unzip a self extracting .EXE with WinZip" -BANNED BY MICROSOFT"
- Slashdot


Subject: Re: Thorne digest, volume 2451691
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 13:02:01 GMT

Bob Hoye writes [to Eric Bennett]:

> Don't you know? How ironic coming from the most prodigious Tholen
> emulator.

What makes you think that Eric Bennett is emulating me at all?


Subject: Re: Linux Losers
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 13:03:46 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter) writes:

> Your Troll score is 0.5 out of 100, you fail ... badly.

        Incorrect, he did quite a good job at failing.

Da Katt
[This space for rent]
See my work at


Subject: Re: IBM finally admits OS/2 is dead, officially.
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 13:16:58 GMT

Drestin Black writes:

> WELL, IT'S FINALLY official: OS/2 is dead.

Yet more proof of the old cliche that those who ignore history are
destined to repeat it.

> IBM announced recently that the product once dubbed the "better
> Windows than Windows" has reached the end of the line and will be
> phased out within a year, beginning with the client version, which
> will see its last update, or "fixpack" in IBM-speak, in January 2001.

Incorrect.  You should keep up on IBM's announcements.  For example,
IBM really announced that the first Convenience Pak will be released
this November, with another the following year.


From: jansens_at_ibm_dot_net (Karel Jansens)
Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: 28 May 2000 14:21:12 GMT

"Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Who cares if it washes with you.  It washed with the judge, and he accepted
> the revised evidence.
You should make it more clear to us when exactly you want us to accept
the judge's rulings and when we should consider them dishwater. You 
just keep swinging both ways.

Karel Jansens
 This operating system/newsreader does not support the
          advanced features of VapourSig 1.1.
 Please upgrade your operating system/newsreader to the
        latest version of RipOffCorp's product.
                   Have a nice day.


From: Nicholas Murison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: any screen capture package?
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 15:37:21 +0200

paokai chang wrote:
> Is there anybody tell me : where to find a  "screen capture" package
> for KDE 1.1 (except Ksnapshot)

the GIMP has a useful function for that.
Nicholas John Murison
Don't mess with penguins
Registered Linux User #153895


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Heininger)
Subject: Re: The Linux Fortress
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 13:46:37 GMT

On Sun, 28 May 2000 09:09:49 GMT,
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> `Pete Goodwin' wrote:

>I want to setup my old PC to be a Linux file server. It needs to support 
>SMB. My new PC will be dual bootable, and run Windows 98 SE and Linux.
>It took me a while to get Samba to work. I found I could see the Windows 
>shares from Linux but not vice versa. Yet, from Linux, I could see Linux 
>After reading the documentation, and scanning through the smb.conf file I 
>came across the encrypted password setting. smb.conf points to files I was 
>unable to find, so I tried encrypted anyway, and it worked.
>The help on the Samba server in the GUI is basically one _long_ document. 
>Boy is that a pain to use!
>Now, the GUI that configures the Samba server is the kind I'd call 
>advanced. What is missing is the simple configuration for those of us who 
>want to "set it up and forget it". This is where Windows scores, and Linux 
>is still lagging behind.

Huh?  Wa'chew talk'n about Willis?  "/etc/smb.conf" It's very well documented
and self explanitory, what's the problem?  . . . oh. . .no `Point-n-Guess'
interface. . I see. . . 

Robert Heininger

Where Do You Want To Go Today?
Every time I get asked that question, someone wants to take me for a ride.


Subject: Re: Thorne digest, volume 2451693
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 13:47:19 GMT

Today's Thorne digest:

1> Now this sets up a beautiful example of hypocrisy and inconsistency by
1> Dave Tholen.

On the contrary, it does no such thing, Thorne.  Rather, it sets up a
beautiful example of your reading comprehension problem.

1> In the above he asks for the information to be identified
1> in_the_posting_where_the_accusation_was_levied.

Of course.  It makes no sense to ask for the information to be
identified in a posting in which it won't necessarily occur.

1> Wait until you see what comes below.

Just another example of your reading comprehension problem, Thorne.

1> [snip]

Perhaps you should read rather than snip, Thorne.

1> Bingo!  Here it is.

Yep, that was the example of your reading comprehension problem.

1> Tholen feels no need to address anything where it appears,

Incorrect, Thorne.  In reality, I addressed something where it
appeared, namely how I was able to recognize something that I wrote,
despite it being attributed to someone else.

1> or even to provide attribution,

Incorrect, Thorne.  I provided the correct attribution.  It was Jim
Stuyck who did not.  I commented on that fact, but Malloy claimed
that the attribution must have been correct because I responded to
it.  Of course, that illogically assumes that the only way one can
recognize their text is by the attribution.

1> yet he *demands* it from others.

Incorrect, Thorne.  I did not demand attribution from others.  In
reality, I asked Malloy to substantiate a claim that he made.  That
claim had nothing to do with attribution.

1> Incredible!

Yes, your reading comprehension problem is rather incredible, Thorne.

1> [snip]

Perhaps you should read rather than snip, Thorne.


From: Salvador Peralta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: winodws hlp file about linux
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 06:53:14 -0700

mlw wrote:

> There is something findimentally wrong with a Windows .hlp file for
> Linux. You know what I mean?

Viral marketing at its finest.  Linux has even spread itself to windows
helpfile space.

Way to go, Brian!  But you should build an html doc and post it to a
site rather than making people email you for it.

> >  ive compiled various documents and Text's into a windows HLP file
> >  that various Windows users can use in there Linux installations
> >   just email me to recive a copy i will post it with my letter
> > soon   THANKS

"If you'd like to use your computer as a tool rather than a toy go get
yourself a linux distribution (perl, c, c++, apache, sendmail, bind,
php, samba, et al)"

- future contents of WIN ProProgramming.hlp


From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.lang.basic,
Subject: Re: QB 4.5 in Win 2000
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 10:04:33 -0400

Quoting Geo from; Sat, 27 May 2000 18:57:10 -0700
>Cool down, cool down.  I sure don't read Arclight as saying there is never
>anything wrong with MS software.  

I sure do:

He describes himself as someone who is...
>fed up of people whinging
>at microsofts software when there isn't anything wrong with it

In other messages he said that "there are no problems" in several other

>Obviously there would never be Service
>Pacs 1, 2, 3, etc. and the multitude of random fixes and patches. On the
>whole, the crappy MS stuff does well but they never get anything smoothed
>until at least Version 3 of whatever ...this is shown time and time again
>and likely is the result "we gotta keep up with the market" syndrome.

No, its a result of "we have to prevent the market from providing
competition" syndrome.  Software always sucks until at least the third
version.  WordPerfect 4.2 was usable; everything before that was
useless.  Lotus 1-2-3 was an interesting but quirky product until 2.4.
dBase III was the first competent RDBMS on the PC, and Netscape went
through at least three revisions before it even dented the Mosaic
installed base, I would expect.

The problem isn't whether there's bugs in software, and you and Arclight
both recognize that.  But that makes it something of a straw man,
doesn't it?  We don't think the bugs in Windows and Office are the
problem, then.  Its the fact that there's nothing else to use until
Microsoft gets to version 3 of whatever they're going to use to kill
competition in the market; that's the problem.

That's what makes MS software crap, and why neither you nor I nor
Arclight can make any defense for it other than straw men or denial.
Arclight is most definitely in the denial mode, as he has said rather
directly that since he's used every version of Office, and he found them
unflawed, they are unflawed.  He blames all software failures on "a bad
install", like any number of other ignoramuses, and has claimed there
are no "bugs" to speak of.  If he doesn't tuck his tail between his legs
and run off when Giuliano points out that it was factory pre-installed
software, he's a troll.

>Remember IE 1 and IE 2 and IE 3?  Money in its early versions?  Failed
>debris is all over the place. This is where Gates is completely lieing
>when he claims to be the market innovator.  What MS ignores is its
>cause for over hyping its claims and causing pain and frustration
>by admins and users along the way. Eventually they get it right which
>is a small miracle in itself.

Remember Quicken in its early versions?  Eudora 0.8, 1.0, and 1.1?  I'm
not sure what you're trying to say, and what "cause for over hyping its
claims" MS is ignoring, but the pain and frustration by admins and users
isn't because of technical failures, but technical bogosity.  You're
going to have hype, frustration, and small miracles no matter which
software you use.  You may even have it more often when there's a free
market in PC software.

So I think what we're doing here is defining the difference between
"Microsoft software sucks because it has a monopoly" and "Microsoft
software sucks and it has a monopoly".  In the first case, which is what
I believe to be predominant, Microsoft never "gets it right".  In fact,
they get it even more wrong when they fix the bugs in the third revision
then when their software fails in the earlier crap.

T. Max Devlin
Manager of Research & Educational Services
Managed Services
ELTRAX Technology Services Group 
-[Opinions expressed are my own; everyone else, including
   my employer, has to pay for them, subject to
    applicable licensing agreement]-

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From: Angry Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Linux Fortress
Date: 28 May 2000 14:02:23 GMT

Pete Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Now, the GUI that configures the Samba server is the kind I'd call 
: advanced. 

the above statement, though it reeks of ignorance and stupidity, points
out the fundamental problem in the relationship between linux and
windows users.  

GUI != more advanced.  

text interface != difficult

Angry Bob


From: "Robert L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Linux Fortress
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 14:08:23 GMT

"Pete Goodwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le
message news: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I want to setup my old PC to be a Linux file server. It needs to support
> SMB. My new PC will be dual bootable, and run Windows 98 SE and Linux.
> It took me a while to get Samba to work. I found I could see the Windows
> shares from Linux but not vice versa. Yet, from Linux, I could see Linux
> shares.
> After reading the documentation, and scanning through the smb.conf file I
> came across the encrypted password setting. smb.conf points to files I was
> unable to find, so I tried encrypted anyway, and it worked.

>From win95 and over, windows use encrypt password. To remove them, on the
windows cd, there's a readme.txt that explain that and say how to make it
use plaintext instead of encrypt. On the doc. of samba too. the samba-howto
show it too. You have to read more. ( or you have to read the good part, not
the useless )



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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