Linux-Advocacy Digest #985, Volume #28            Thu, 7 Sep 00 23:13:03 EDT

  Re: How low can they go...? (lyttlec)
  Re: How low can they go...? ("D'Arcy Smith")
  Re: Metcalfe on Linux (Bob Hauck)
  Re: Metcalfe on Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Computer and memory ("Otto")
  Re: ms image change ... micro-er soft-er ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  The Government's Decision to Use Microsoft ("TechnoJoe")
  Re: Computer and memory ("Otto")
  Re: Computer and memory ("Otto")
  Re: Computer and memory ("Chad Myers")
  Re: Computer and memory ("Chad Myers")
  Re: NETCRAFT: I'm confused ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Computer and memory ("Otto")
  Re: [OT] Public v. Private Schools (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: Computer and memory ("Otto")
  Re: Computer and memory ("Chad Myers")
  Re: Computer and memory ("Chad Myers")
  Re: Computer and memory ("Chad Myers")


From: lyttlec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How low can they go...?
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 01:14:31 GMT

> lyttlec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > "T. Max Devlin" wrote:
> While talking about monopolist let us not forget about DeBeers.
You mean the guys who got Ross Perot POed so he built a barge to dredge
diamonds off the coast of Africa and made them pay him hundreds of
millions of dollars to stop?


From: "D'Arcy Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How low can they go...?
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 01:17:01 GMT

"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Said D'Arcy Smith in comp.os.linux.advocacy;
> >"Christophe Ochal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >news:c36t5.802$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

> >Ah so they stop people without money from developing DVD
> >software on alternative platforms.  Well that is different than
> >not allowing people to write a DVD player for alternative
> >platforms.

> Still playing the game, I see.  Just what is your motive for defending
> these extortionists?

Where do you see me defending anyone?  I am stating a fact.
It is a fazct that if you have a license and follow its terms then
you can provide DVD software on Linux.

It may also be a fact that you can do the same without a license
but that is not clear at this time - the issue is infront of a court.

> Perhaps you have your own little scam going in a
> similar way?

Nice accusation - care back it up with some proof?

> So what is the reason you have for continuing to post in defense of

I have not posted in their defence.  You are confused.

> It wouldn't concern me at all if you weren't so careful to
> repeat, at every opportunity 'it isn't illegal if you have a license',

It clearly is not.  Not having a license may be illegal - one the
court case is done we will know for sure.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Subject: Re: Metcalfe on Linux
Reply-To: bobh{at}haucks{dot}org
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 01:43:43 GMT

On 7 Sep 2000 22:34:40 GMT, Marshall Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Bob Metcalfe, a columnist at who's resigning soon --

That would the same Bob Metcalfe who predicted that the Internet would
collapse sometime in 1997.  I used to read his column when I got the
print version of Infoworld.  He says what he thinks.  He often makes
the wrong call.

Why's he resigning?

>and one of the leading figures in Internet history -- said on "The Diane

He invented Ethernet and founded 3Com.  Not sure how much he really had
to do with the Internet.

>Rehm Show" recently that Linux "doesn't do much" besides running Internet
>servers on PC's, if I heard correctly. 

Well, you do what you gotta do.

>  Is it true? 

That Linux runs Internet servers on PC's?  Yes, lots of them. It does a
lot of other things too.  I develop software on it (for embedded
systems).  It's biggest attraction?  It is like Unix.  It's biggest
fault?  It is like Unix.

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| To Whom You Are Speaking


Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 21:17:49 +0000
Subject: Re: Metcalfe on Linux

Marshall Price wrote:
>   Bob Metcalfe, a columnist at who's resigning soon --
> and one of the leading figures in Internet history -- said on "The Diane
> Rehm Show" recently that Linux "doesn't do much" besides running Internet
> servers on PC's, if I heard correctly.
>   I've spent many long and frustrating hours trying to figure out what
> Linux is all about, and might have gone on indefinitely if I hadn't heard
> this bit of information.
>   Is it true?
Perhaps Linux doesn't do much from Mr. Metcalfe's perspective because
Mr. Metcalfe is not capable of doing more on Linux.

Here's what *I* do on Linux, and I'm still a newbie:

- Real-time development using RT-Linux and C (just starting out)

- Web site development and Intranet web hosting using Apache (with
FrontPage extensions and without.)

- Schematic capture and PC-board layout and design using G-Schem and pcb
(thanks to Terry Porter for turning me on to these apps.)

- Digital Logic Simulation using TK-Gate (an excellent package with lots
of nifty features in the 1.5 release, including logic families and
per-gate delay parameters.)

- All manner of web browsing, email, and newsgroups (using this
confounded Netscape...can't wait for konqueror to be more stable)

- Remote system administration using console mode and X

- Playing Quake 2

- Playing CDs (yes, Steve/Claire, my sound does work.)

- Learning unix-like operating systems (necessary for the above but not
a useless undertaking from my perspective.)

Future undertakings are a FAX server to eliminate the last bit of
crashing of my one and only Windows machine, and a database server to
keep track of all my repairs and product shipments.

So, you decide... does Linux not do much?

Rich C.
"Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people."


From: "Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computer and memory
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 01:52:26 GMT

"Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:sjMt5.37029$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
: "Christophe Ochal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
: news:8oMt5.977$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
: > Otto, if that's your name (German name btw), there's a difference
: > being proud about your nation & the way you act, infact, you're a
: > for the States
: Otto, you're not a disgrace.
: This guy's just another arrogant Euro-trash "I'm better than you" twit.

Chad, it's all good. Just having some fun....



Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 21:25:24 +0000
Subject: Re: ms image change ... micro-er soft-er

> In an effort to soften its image, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates makes
> his appeal that M$ should have the same deregulated freedoms as any mom
> and pop operation.  He unveiled Microsoft Brand Jams & Jellies.

Cute puppy. This would be an excellent pic for a caption contest.

My submission would be:

"Get this damn thing off just pissed on my Armani suit!"

Rich C.
"Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people."


From: "TechnoJoe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Government's Decision to Use Microsoft
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 21:02:14 -0500

A recent OSOpinion article perked my interest about the Navy's recent
decision to use the Microsoft Windows operating system in its next
generation aircraft carrier
(  Two
years earlier, a divide by zero error on a Microsoft Windows NT machine left
the USS Yorktown dead in the water for over two hours
(  The sequence of
these events forces one to ask the question: why would the government choose
the Microsoft Windows operating system despite the known defects and
problems?  The answer is really quite simple - they do not have a choice in
the matter.

The Department of Defense has a little known rule that all computer products
(hardware and software) containing classified or unclassified sensitive
information must be evaluated and rated.  The National Computer Security
Center (NCSC), a branch of the NSA, is responsible for evaluating and rating
commercial security products.  These products fall into one of four
divisions: D - Minimal Security, C - Discretionary Protection, B - Mandatory
Protection, and A - Verified Protection.  Divisions C, B, and A are divided
into classes: C1 - Discretionary Security Protection (no longer in use),
C2 - Controlled Access Protection, B1 - Labeled Security Protection, B2 -
Structured Protection, B3 - Security Domains, and A1 - Verified Design (see
Orange Book,
The ratings, in order from least secure to most secure, are D, C1, C2, B1,
B2, B3, and A1.

To make the rating system a little clearer, I'll draw an analogy.  Microsoft
DOS with the equivalent security of a Speedo - not very secure - would have
a D rating.  Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME with the equivalent security of a
wooden barrel - stops rotten vegetables thrown by novice users but not
bullets from professional hackers/crackers - would have a C1 rating.
Microsoft Windows NT/2000 with the equivalent security of a bulletproof
vest - able to stop professional hackers/crackers - has a C2 rating.

Microsoft was very cunning in obtaining this rating.  Microsoft Windows NT
4.0 is the only general-purpose operating system rated by the NCSC
(  Other operating
systems are rated, but those operating systems are designed for specific
machines like mainframes and supercomputers, not general-purpose personal
computers.  Since all computer products containing classified or
unclassified sensitive information must be rated for the government to use
them, Microsoft Windows is the only general-purpose operating system the
government can use.  Hence, Microsoft has a monopoly on all general-purpose
operating systems sold to the government.

If you really want to break Microsoft's monopoly, you need to get
alternative operating systems, like Linux, rated by the NCSC.  Many
companies, like Red Hat, do not want to invest the time or money to have
their products evaluated and rated, but I believe that the potential for
government contracts (and the knowledge that our nuclear secrets are a
little bit safer) is well worth the investment.  In addition, Microsoft will
no longer be able to beat the Linux crowd over the head with the "No
Security Rating" argument

I believe Linux is capable of much more than just meeting the C2 rating
Microsoft Windows NT holds.  Since Linux can do everything that Microsoft
Windows NT can do (and then some), one can reasonably assume that Linux can
achieve a minimum C2 rating.  In order to meet the B1 requirements, the
operating system must be able to append security information to objects
after they leave the system.  Microsoft Windows NT could not achieve this
rating because they supported only the FAT file system for floppy disks,
which cannot track security information.  Linux supports the EXT2 file
system for floppy disks, and the kernel can be compiled to remove support
for the less secure FAT, forcing users to use a file system that contains
security information, hence mandatory protection.  However, requirements for
B3 and A1 require that the operating systems be stripped of all components
not vital to system security
(  While this is
theoretically possible given the Open Source nature of Linux, stripping away
all non-security components would change the nature of Linux, and the
stripped down version of Linux would no longer be a general-purpose
operating system.  I believe Linux is capable of at least a B1 or perhaps a
B2 rating.

I believe companies of alternative operating systems should buckle down and
have their products rated by the NCSC to better compete with Microsoft and
make us feel proud (and more secure) in using alternative operating systems,
like Linux.  Please email companies of alternative operating systems, like
Red Hat, and tell them to get their products rated by the National Computer
Security Center.

That's my two-cents worth.  For more information on Commercial Product
Evaluations, check out the website of the NCSC at



From: "Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computer and memory
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:18:11 GMT

"Christophe Ochal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8oMt5.977$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

: > Hey listen you communist moron, we are not all the same not even on the
: > country level, much less on the individual basis. Tell that to the
: Europian
: > countries not to handle their neighbors as enemies and stop figthing
: > other. People in the US can't tolerate it anymore, cost too much to
: > their differences.
: ...
: You just prooved his point you bloody idiot, or are you to blind to see
: you republican! (there!)

Is that suppose to be an insult :)?

: His post is correct, learn world history, and
: you've got more blood on you're hands than any European country.

Let me refresh your memory, World War I and World War II. Did it not start
in Europe, by European countries? Need I remind you the results of those

: (Where are the native americans? Oh right, they're wiped out,

Another lesson in history, just for you and the seemingly weak education
system in Belgium.... The native americans, a.k.a indians, were wiped out by
European settlers way before someone could blame the US for it. Not to
mention the fact that in the early years of US most of the population was

: what happened
: in 'Nam? Where did that Atom bomb fall?

Not in my neigborhood....

: How many people have died at the
: hands of the States? Need i go on?)

No you don't, I surrender. US is the only country in the world which has
bloody hands, right?

: > There is nothing wrong in believing that the US is superior when
: to
: > other countries. Not to the level of "Uber alles Deutch", but just a
: healthy
: > national pride. Seeing what you posted make me wish that you do shut up.
: Otto, if that's your name (German name btw), there's a difference between
: being proud about your nation & the way you act, infact, you're a disgrace
: for the States

That's funny that you'd know the origin of my name, although somewhat
understandable. Quite of few Ottos marched through your country couple of
decades ego. They didn't go 70 miles/h, more like 50 km/h..... Guess which
country gave you back your country?



From: "Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computer and memory
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:20:42 GMT

"Nathaniel Jay Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

: >Hey listen you communist moron, we are not all the same not even on the
: >country level, much less on the individual basis. Tell that to the
: >countries not to handle their neighbors as enemies and stop figthing each
: >other. People in the US can't tolerate it anymore, cost too much to
: >their differences.
: And who exactly made the US the babysitter of the world?
: Would that be THE UNITED STATES?  Our government is so
: worried that we won't keep our goddamned strangle-hold on
: other countries that we forget about any problems we have
: within our own borders in favor of pointing a finger
: elsewhere and saying, "Oh look, they are bad, we are good
: because we see they are bad!"  Which is basically what you
: are doing here.  Brilliant.

As opposing what you are doing here, where you call everyone guilty. Now
that's an interesting concept to mask other countries problems.....

: >There is nothing wrong in believing that the US is superior when compared
: >other countries. Not to the level of "Uber alles Deutch", but just a
: >national pride. Seeing what you posted make me wish that you do shut up.
: Well, you seem a little too puffed up to see reality
: anytime soon.  Let me just point out that we aren't
: 'superior' to other countries.  We're bigger than some.
: We're stronger than some.  And we do it by being the blood
: sucking leaches that we are.  Yeah, that's being superior.

So much for wishing, anyway.... Let me just point out that US is superior to
other countries in many ways, like it or not. There is a long list on the
topic and I'm very tempted to post it just to piss you off.



From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computer and memory
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:24:30 GMT

"Christophe Ochal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:bgNt5.986$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

> "Euro-trash" says enough about how you think of Europe, but i doubt you'll
> see that...
> I'm afraid you're just a few braincells short of a pair...

Nah, Europe is a beautiful place for the most part (Britain reminds me
all too much of Pittsburgh or Scranton, P.A.). I hear Scotland is
beautiful in spring.

The hills of Bravaria are world renound and the Alps are breathtaking,
so I hear.

Many Europeans are very nice, tolerant and pleasant. Unfortunatley,
none of them have modems and it seems the European population is
tainted by the ignorant and seemingly oblivious words of arrogant
pricks like you.



From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computer and memory
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:25:07 GMT

"Christophe Ochal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:OgNt5.987$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef in berichtnieuws

> > I did, that's whats so frustrating about dealing with you people. I have
> > to make the point about 10 times before it sinks in.
> No, you have to express yourself clearly, if you can do that, offcourse

Are most European languages like this?

You must repeat the same phrase 10 times for it to have the appropriate
emphasis and meaning?



Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 21:58:19 +0000
Subject: Re: NETCRAFT: I'm confused

Steve Mading wrote:
> Rich C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : The numbers may or may not be accurate, but it is ridiculous to assume that
> : ALL domain sqatters are using apache.
> It's also ridiculous to assume that each domain squatter has a website up
> at all.  You don't have to have use a name to reserve it.  If I were
> in the name squatting biz, why would I bother paying to have a computer
> hooked up all the time to host the domain when it's much cheaper to
> just pay the squatters penalty? (It costs more to get a domain name
> when you don't actually use it, but not by enough to make it more than
> the cost of running your own website.)

Well, not a unique website anyway. There are numerous URL redirection
services out there that will point your domain name to another URL. This
is usually to a common site that the squatter is using to hawk his

Rich C.
Take out the trash to email me.


From: "Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computer and memory
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:31:11 GMT

"Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:%3it5.28269$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

: Aren't the schools any good there in Europe? Don't they teach basic
: reading comprehension skills?

Nah, just some basic fighting skills and some fishing lessons... :).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: [OT] Public v. Private Schools
Date: 8 Sep 2000 02:36:47 GMT

On Thu, 07 Sep 2000 20:42:20 -0400, Aaron R. Kulkis wrote:
>Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
>> On Thu, 07 Sep 2000 17:25:12 -0400, Aaron R. Kulkis wrote:
>> >Of the US, the incomong junior high students are
>> >also mis-educated, with idiotic ideas like "invented spelling" and
>> >"see and say" reading.
>> Well, I went to an American public school for a year, as did my brother
>> and sister, and none of us did anything of the sort.
>This is being taught in the K-3 years.  If they are thoroughly
>propagandized by 4th grade that there is no 'correct' spelling,
>then they are pretty much lost to everything.

My sister took first grade and I don't believe that's how they
taught it. That would've been about 10 years ago FYI.



From: "Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computer and memory
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:39:33 GMT

"Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

: > So the resources really belong to the nation?
: By that, i mean aggregate resources under the control of the government
: AND it's citizenry.
: Socialism requires that vast resources be taken out of the private
: sector and dumped into the public sector....where they are promptly
: squandered by idiots who are not restrained ( by profit/loss motive)
: to use those resources in a wise, beneficial manner.
: Here in the US, we see that the welfare state actually PROMOTES the
: poverty-life style, as opposed to getting people moved on to jobs.
: Remember the hue and cry from the welfare-state employees when
: welfare reform legislation started going through?
: Sure, the poverty pimps talked about "millions of dead starving in
: the streets", but their REAL fear was that they, too, would have
: to get real jobs.

That's a pretty good description.....



From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computer and memory
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:40:58 GMT

"Nathaniel Jay Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> And who exactly made the US the babysitter of the world?

Lets see, Britain in World War I when they pleaded for our

Britain again in World War II. We also felt indebted to the
French for their aid to us during the revolution where
we, ironically, were escaping British tyranny not unlike
German tyranny (but without the mass-attrocities). You know
rule the world, "Sun never sets on the British Empire" kinda

Not to mention the Japanese had become quite unruly and
had struck Pearl Harbor without much provocation.

Had we left it in the British and French's hands, we'd all
be goose-stepping. Well, scratch that, the Euro's would all be
goose-stepping, not Americans. American resolve and determination
won the war. Had we decided not to help where would the Euros be?

The Brits should be on their knees thanking us and begging our

> Would that be THE UNITED STATES?

We resisted Britains requests several times. We did not make
ourselves the power, everyone else in the world did.

Someone had to stand up to the Communists. It certainly
wasn't going to be the U.K. and certainly not France.

> Our government is so worried that we won't keep our
> goddamned strangle-hold on other countries that we
> forget about any problems we have within our own
> borders in favor of pointing a finger elsewhere
> and saying, "Oh look, they are bad, we are good
> because we see they are bad!"  Which is basically what you
> are doing here.  Brilliant.

Were you born yesterday? Do you not remember how the world
was falling under Hitler's control? Had Hitler decided not
to attack Russia, and decided to heed  the warnings of
the upcoming D-Day, the world would be a much, much different

All these things you're typing, all this treason, you'd
probably be in a camp somewhere chipping rocks or you never
would've been born at all because of birthing restrictions
like in China.

Consider yourself lucky.

What if we didn't stand up to Soviet oppression? What if we
didn't constantly put pressure on the Communists?

U.S. may not do the best job all the time, but it's certainly
better than any other god-forsaken country on this planet
can do. At least we don't have world wars breaking out
like we did when we left Europe to the Europeans' control.

Where would the Balkan conflicts be if not for us? I still
disagree with our being there, but someone had to stop the
attrocities. Someone had to stand up and say no to Melosovic
et al. The Brits and the French didn't seem to care that
another Europe continental conflict was brewing again
(not unlike the events that lead to WWI).

> Well, you seem a little too puffed up to see reality
> anytime soon.  Let me just point out that we aren't
> 'superior' to other countries.  We're bigger than some.
> We're stronger than some.  And we do it by being the blood
> sucking leaches that we are.  Yeah, that's being superior.

Blood sucking leaches, eh?  Have you ever watched
Saving Private Ryan? You should. That's American determination
and American resolve in the face of ultimate defeat and

Americnas are not blood sucking leaches (you may be), we care
about humanity and attempt to preserve it when no one else
seems to care (not even the Brits or Francs). We keep bastards
like Sadam Hussein in place. Sure, we got some oil from the
deal, but we also helped prevent Sadam from causing even more
instability in the Mid East and saved millions of more lives
from being destroyed.

Tell me, Nathan, what have you done in your worthless life?
Have you saved one human being? Have you fed one starving
child? Have you sacrificed your life to save another or
a group of innocent people? Americans do this every day
all around the world. Without our power and ability to
deploy full-force anywhere in the world within 2 days, this
world would be even more in turmoil than it is now.

Try living in West or Southern Africa for a year. Try
saying the things you're saying now about our country
to one of their countries and see how long it takes them
before your throat is slit and you're hanging from your
testicles in a town square and everyone is spitting on
your body and burning your extremeties.

The only reason you have ANY of the freedoms  you have
now is beacause Americans choose to fight for right and
choose to stick their nose into other people's business
when their business was mass murders and ethnic cleansing.

When no one else would, America was there.

Remember that when you're sleeping in your nice comfortable
bed watching your nice T.V. sipping on your nice brandy.



From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computer and memory
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:44:22 GMT

"Nathaniel Jay Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I like how he says, "I'm not saying we're superior" and
> then proceeds for a few paragraphs to show why he think we
> are.

Do you guys even read one sentance of what I write?

I never said we're superior, I just said we've got the
telco thing figured out and you're getting mad at us for it.

All I'm saying is (for the 11th time now) quit whining and
fix your own telco problems and join us! We'd love to have
more people on the Internet. Preferably ones who can
read and who have some thread of independant thought, but
hey, the more the merrier.

Instead they insist on insulting me and saying I'm somehow
showing a superiority complex.

It's not that hard folks, really.

> And BTW Chad, I'm not a whiny Brit.  I'm a whiny American,

You're a whiny asshole is what you are. You don't even
know what the hell you're talking about.

> sick of seeing other Americans act like assholes just
> because they are part of the 'Great United States'.

<sigh> Then move to Europe, prick. See how you like it
there if the States suck so bad.

No one's being an arrogant asshole but you and a few of
these other jerks.



From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Computer and memory
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:45:27 GMT

"Nathaniel Jay Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Well, actually, I killfiled him already.  That's why it
> was attached to your post (which quoted him).  But I had
> to say something.

Kind like sticking his fingers in his ear and humming really
loud. Real adult. For such holier-than-thou attitude with
nothing to back it up, you can reall be a jerk, "Nathaniel".

> Arrogance is not something that I can just shrug off.
> Especially when it is accompanied by stupidity and false
> logic.

How do you live with yourself? You must've smashed all your
mirrors by now.




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