Linux-Advocacy Digest #941, Volume #34            Sun, 3 Jun 01 18:13:07 EDT

  Re: Justice Department LOVES Microsoft! (Rick)
  Re: Justice Department LOVES Microsoft! (Rick)
  Re: UI Importance (flatfish+++)
  Re: Argh - Ballmer (Rick)
  Re: Argh - Ballmer (Rick)
  Re: European arrogance and ignorance... (was Re: Just when Linux starts getting 
good, Microsoft buries it in  the       dust!) ("Chad Myers")
  Re: Linux beats Win2K (again) (.)
  Re: Windows makes good coasters (.)
  Re: UI Importance (John Jensen)
  Re: What does Linux need for the desktop? (flatfish+++)
  Re: LINUX PRINTING SUCKS!!!!!!!! (flatfish+++)
  Re: Argh - Ballmer (Ray Chason)
  Re: The beginning of the end for microsoft (Peter da Silva)


Subject: Re: Justice Department LOVES Microsoft!
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 17:00:15 -0400

Daniel Johnson wrote:
> "Rick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Daniel Johnson wrote:
> [snip]
> > > Interesting. So beta testing is an idea MS stole from
> > > open-source software, in your world. :D
> >
> > This is why you have been called dishonest. You know this is NOT what I
> > am suggesting. I am suggestionf that m$ took a hint from other
> > developers and sent there software out to the genreal public to beta
> > test. intheis way, their numbes of testers grew exponentioally, and they
> > were to find many more bus this way... though they didnt necessarily fix
> > all of them.
> Oh, I see. You mean they "stole" beta testing from
> other commercial vendors. My mistake, very sorry.

I dint say they "stole" anything. Read the damn statement.
I dont think you are sorry. 

> [snip]
> > > There's a lot more to software QA than
> > > beta-testing!
> >
> > So you are saying Open source software is not QA'd? Id dont think that
> > is true. i think you dont know what in hell you are talking about.
> Well, it *is* "QA'd" in the sense that it has something
> akin to an open beta, but frankly that's not much to
> write home about.

... in your close-minded, bigoted opinion.

> The structure of OSS projects makes it ratjer hard
> to do many of the techniques commercial developers
> do you. You can have code readings, yes, but not
> walkthroughs or inspections. You can have unit tests,
> but only if your contributors feel like writing them.

.. and m$ has such a great QA department? I gues thats why they are
alwasy gettting hacked, and there's so many BSODs.

> [snip]
> > > Well, the short answer is that there aren't all that many
> > > apps for X-Windows.
> >
> > There arent? have you actually lookid at the number of packages included
> > with a distro> Have you checked Freshmeat, Sourceforge, Rufus? I didnt
> > think so. Go look. Now.
> Those darned bundling *fiends*! Have they no
> decency! :D

I see you have no answer, no knowledge and only a smart ass remark.

> [snip]
> > You cut comments from here...
> I always cut comments that don't
> merit response. Saves on bandwidth.

and removes content and conrext allowinf to try to squirm out of
answering questions.

> [snip]
> > > > > If this is what you are after, then X is really
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > So are you saying *nix apps cross platofrms better than m$ apps?
> > >
> > > Well, only if you mean "hardware platforms"; they
> > > don't port to other OSes particularly well, naturally.
> > >
> >
> > You are the one that made the coment baout protability being a strenght.
> Of Unix, not its apps.
> C'mon Rick, this business of pretending I said
> things I patently did not is getting quite
> tiresome. It's okay to do it in fun, but don't
> be a one-trick pony about it.

Beleive you, this is not fun. It is not fun to "discuss" things with
people that only wish to present micros$oft in a good light and diss
everything else, while twisting what peole say. Atthe best of times you
are a great annoyance.

Now, how is the OS so portable, and not the apps that run on that OS?

> [snip]
> > > > Nope.. you said they were almost exactly the same and equal ...
> > >
> > > I didn't say that. I did say the thing about the
> > > chromosone count, but "equal"? Not likely.
> >
> > The context was they were so close when you were takling about one, you
> > could be talking about the other.
> Oh, come now. That's just silly.

Yes, you are. But that is what you implied.

> > This is another reason you have been
> > called dishonest. Quit removing content and context.
> Do you have any idea how big this thread
> woud be if someone wasn't being selective about
> what is worth answer, and what is not?

.. and it would be much aharder for you to squirm out of answering
questions and harder for you to try to twist the direction of a thread.

> [snip]
> > > > Gnome Foundation? Whats that, and who would they sue? And why?
> > >
> > > It's the only organization related to Gnome that
> > > I can think of, which MS might sue if they felt
> > > like it.
> >
> > There is the GNU project at the Free Software Foundation. I dont know
> > about a GNU Foundation. There may be one. What is their URL ?
> Go to; there's a FAQ about them
> there.

Really? would you be so kind as to give me the URL. I cant seem to find
one for the GNU Foundation.

> [snip]
> > > > why would they sue?
> > >
> > > Presuambly for the money- that's the usual
> > > reason. If there was any money to be get
> > > this way, anyway.
> >
> > Why would they sue? What would be the basis of the suit? Who would sue
> > whom? Go check out google to replace the content you have removed.
> I haven't forgotten. You have been thrashing about
> rather randomly, trying to either prove that I was wrong
> to say that OLE and Bonobo are identical, or
> else that I was wrong to say that OLE and Bonobo
> are not identical.
> As part of the former effort, you asked if
> MS could sue somebody over the similarities,
> and I said they probably could- such things
> have happened in the past.
> You then asked why they don't, and I postulated
> that they didn't because there is no money in
> suing people and organizations that don't have
> much money, and so little to gain.
> I don't think there's any problem here.

No, you said GNU didnt have the money to sue. See you you twist thigs
and squirm out of things.



Subject: Re: Justice Department LOVES Microsoft!
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 17:02:10 -0400

Daniel Johnson wrote:
> "Rick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Daniel Johnson wrote:
> > > You'd know if you had bothered
> > > to read my posts. :D
> >
> > YOU read your post. You said you could change widget sets in *nix. You
> > also said themes=skins=widgets. You can change skins ann themes easily,
> > therefore by your own words you can change widgets.
> I don't think you can that. I think you are changing
> the configuration of the widgets you've got, rather
> than switching to different widgets.
> [snip]
> > > I don't think you can. I think you are confusing the
> > > ability to change colors, pixmaps, and the like with
> > > the ability to change widget sets.
> >
> > YOU said... YOU... YOU SAID... themes=widget sets=skins. I can change
> > themes and skins easily. If I can do that, then by YOUR definitions, I
> > can change widgets. Unless you are now saying you are/were wrong and are
> > now going to move goal posts.
> My, you are tenacious. If your really need to have
> the obivous pointed out to you, I will do it.
> The problem with your reasoning there is that
> you are equivocating in the meaning of "themes".
> [snip]

Im not equivocating in the meaning of anything. You said themes=widget
sets=skins. Therefore, if they equal each other, if you change one, you
canhge the other, therfore, by your defintion, change a theme or skin
and you change the widget set. -By YOUR defintion-.


From: flatfish+++ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UI Importance
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 20:59:47 GMT

On Sun, 03 Jun 2001 19:43:23 GMT, Woofbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>No, vi is the only program *you* need to design web sites. The 
>popularity of good web design tools among profesisonal web site 
>designers is proof that GUI design tools are worth paying money for. 

I took a course in Aix Sysadmin a couple of years ago and on the day
the instructor taught vi he brought in a pair of ear muffs because all
of the beeping (aka frustration's) of newbies trying to use that
abortion of a program drove him crazy.

Anyone who does anything but churn out code, and that means a
professional programmer, in vi or Emacs for that matter is nuts.

"Why do they call it a flatfish?"


Subject: Re: Argh - Ballmer
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 17:04:51 -0400

Tuomo Takkula wrote:
> Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>         Hi,
> > > Q: Do you view Linux and the open-source movement as a threat to Microsoft?
> > >
> > > A: Yeah. It's good competition. It will force us to be innovative. It will
> > > force us to justify the prices and value that we deliver. And that's only
> > > healthy. The only thing we have a problem with is when the government funds
> > > open-source work. Government funding should be for work that is available
> > > to everybody. Open source is not available to commercial companies. The way
> > > the license is written, if you use any open-source software, you have to
> > > make the rest of your software open source. If the government wants to put
> > > something in the public domain, it should. Linux is not in the public
> > > domain. Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property
> > > sense to everything it touches. That's the way that the license works.
> > >
> > > (end quote)
> > >
> > > You couldn't say anything more ridiculous if you tried.
> > >
> > > The Govt. sends millions (at least) to MS every year for shrinkwrapped
> > > software, funding the development of code that is proprietary MS
> > > property.   But that doesn't seem to bother Ballmer quite so much.
> >
> > Exactly.  If the government shouldn't "fund" GPL development (which I
> > agree with to a certain extent),  it should be also be that commercial
> > software recieves the same treatment.
> didn't really make up my mind in that question yet, but I'd like to
> add one point: the funding agency (for instance a government) has the
> right and the duty to choose the license that they think is beneficial
> to their population. This includes short term effects as well as
> effects that may well lie far in the future. What these effects will
> be is difficult to predict, but the past can give us some indications:
> - GPL based software is very successful and lead to the creation of
>   high quality portable software development tools (GNU-tools) and a
>   very popular, portable stable operating system (Linux) that made
>   its' way into peoples homes and into industry. There is little doubt
>   that the population and business benefit from the GPL license model.
> - BSD license based projects are very successful as well, but at least
>   as the question Linux (GPL) vs BSD (BSD-license) is concerned I
>   think it is fair to say that Linux made the race. The reasons for
>   this are probably irrational (Linux is sexier than BSD, not better,
>   IMHO), but there is no evidence (yet?) that the BSD license will
>   perform better with respect to public benefit than the GPL license
>   does. Regarding the fact that industry is able to use BSD code and
>   is not obliged to return something to the public in return makes
>   that even doubtful.
> As I said, I didn't make up my mind yet, but I think that the public
> can demand from a company that wants to use publicly funded code in
> their software to contribute back to the public. As contributing back
> in form of sources is within the GPL model which seems to work fine in
> that respect, I cannot see any reason not to GPLize publicly funded
> code.
> Executive summary: GPLize publicly funded code until a license pops up
> that performs better in terms of public benefit.
>         Best regards
>         Tuomo Takkula

Does anyone know what kind of liense the government used to license
Mosaic to spyglass, which allowed spyglass to license it to other



Subject: Re: Argh - Ballmer
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 17:08:23 -0400

Charlie Ebert wrote:
<large snip>

> The BSD license is basically you can take this code and even
> copyright it.  As we found out with Apple, no code from OSX was
> ported back to the FreeBSD project from where it came.

i think you need to investigate Apple's involvement in the BSD
community. Apparenty  they have the same priveledges as any other
developer, and send in many patches, as well as releasing code. IIRC,
they relesed a streaming server with Darwin, among other things.


Uh, nope.

> GPL'D code is the ONLY WAY TO GO!

Only of it's the license that fits your needs.

> Otherwise your just developing a mess.

Really. Im not sure that people running BSD distros would agree with



From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: European arrogance and ignorance... (was Re: Just when Linux starts 
getting good, Microsoft buries it in  the       dust!)
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 20:52:48 GMT

"Stephen S. Edwards II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:6NwS6.1047$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> "Patrick Ford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > drsquare wrote:
> >
> > > On 3 Jun 2001 13:44:04 +1200, in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
> > >  ("Patrick Ford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:
> > >
> > > >drsquare wrote:
> > >
> > > >> >> What do you mean "WTF"? How can you not know what that means?
> > > >> >
> > > >> >He's a seppo, perhaps?
> > > >>
> > > >> A what?
> > >
> > > >What do you mean "A what"?  How can you not know what that means?
> > >
> > > Because it's a words that I've never heard ANYONE use EVER.
> >
> > Oh how very unfortunate for you. Where have you spent your life? Have you
> > been in a monastry?
> Americans tend to live in America, Einstein.
> Even if we do visit the old world, we don't
> necessarily pick up on all of the cultural
> nuances.
> "Taking the piss", "taking the mickey", and
> "pulling your tit" are not common phrases in
> the U.S.
> And tell me, oh culturally superior one,
> can you tell me what these words mean in
> America?  I'll do you a favor, and list
> the answers anyway.
> fag
> funny car
> curbie
> basket case
> english muffin
> phat
> stud
> nuking
> whoopass
> axe n' amp
> tube
> grunge
> lemon
> You might know some, or all of these terms,
> but my point is, every culture has terms
> and phrases that they use, and scoffing at
> someone just because they aren't familiar
> with your culture is just as bigoted as
> someone scoffing at you because _of_ your
> culture.
> Us Yanks don't typically use words like
> "roller", or "rogering", or "doxy", or
> "flat", or "taking the piss" regularly.
> So lay off, Newzy.
> "Shit man, that honkey muff be messin' my
> ol' lady... he got to be running cold,
> upside down his head, ya know what I'm
> sayin'?"
> Okay folks, what movie is this from?
> I'll give you all a hint:  Zucker
> > Oh all right, I will tell you. .
> >
> > "Taking the piss" means pulling your leg, pulling your tit,
> > poking fun, taking the mickey out of you, teasing you, making a joke of
> > you.
> > It's very English, but is also used in Australia and New Zealand, and
> > probably Canada. IOW, most of the English-speaking world.
> >
> > "Seppo" means American. It  is strictly a Strine word, but is also known
> Ah.  Sort of like "Frenchie", or "Crout",
> or "Crumpet", or "Scotty", or "Newzy"?
> > and used to a minor extent in New Zealand. It was formulated from modified
> > Cockney rhyming slang  with Ocker compulsive abbreviations (abbro) imposed
> > on it in what is now   unique Strine rhyming slang, quite different from
> > the Cockney "Halligan's goat", "plates o' meat"  style.
> >
> > "WTF?", a Seppo abbreviation for "What the fuck?"
> No.  WTF is an internet abbreviation for "What The Fuck?"
> You know, that thing that us dumb Yankies developed as DARPAnet.

I'm sure the brits will have some concocted story about how
they REALLY invented the Internet first and Europe had had
the WWW years before the FTP rfc was even submitted.



Subject: Re: Linux beats Win2K (again)
Date: 3 Jun 2001 21:09:49 GMT

drsquare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3 Jun 2001 15:11:44 GMT, in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>  ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (.)) wrote:

>>drsquare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>"The Newsreader FORTE AGENT has a "killfile" capability. 
>>>>You can actually select *to read* the writing of 
>>>>certain authors, and automatically screen out the rest. 
>>>>Also, you may read all but certain writers."

>>> But I don't want to filter out certain authors, as I want to read many
>>> of their posts in other threads. My newsreader has no facility to
>>> filter out certain authors only in certain threads.

>>Yes it does, you just never read the instructions.  Just for hoots and
>>giggles, I grabbed the payfor version of Agent, cracked it with a handy
>>utility I found near, and figured out how to do it
>>in almost, but not quite 5 minutes.
>>It is a little tricky, granted.  But its entirely possible, and all you
>>need to get it to work is one functioning braincell.

> It is not possible.

Then how is it exactly that I am able to get Agent to not show me YOUR
posts in THIS thread only, but ALL of your other posts in EVERY other

Agent has a fine granularity filtration system built in.  Its a little
off the beaten path as far as configuration goes, but the results are at
least as good as anything else.

Your problem really is that youre an idiot.  You should stay away from
computers, starting immediately.

>>>>You really are an idiot.  Thank god you arent going to attempt to 
>>>>use linux, it would probably kill you.
>>> I already am using linux, so fuck you.
>>Not very well, apparently.  Please stop using it at once. You're
>>making the rest of us look bad.

> It's not my fault it doesn't even have any facilities for setting up
> printers. Linux will never catch up with Windows at this rate. All you
> have to do in Windows is open Control Panel and give it the drivers
> disk. On Linux, you....... what? 

I can print to both of my printers just fine from my linux box.

> Nothing there for installing
> printers. Or soundcards. 

My soundblaster live works just fine under linux.

> And everytime you download something, you
> have to download about 300 dependencies, all of which depend on
> another 600 packages and so on... 

Your numbers seem a little skewed.

> And dpkg doesn't even tell you which
> packages you need, it just spews out countless pages of shite.

You never read directions, do you.


"George Dubya Bush---the best presidency money can buy"

---obviously some Godless commie heathen faggot bastard


Subject: Re: Windows makes good coasters
Date: 3 Jun 2001 21:11:55 GMT

drsquare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3 Jun 2001 15:14:23 GMT, in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>  ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (.)) wrote:

>>drsquare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On 03 Jun 2001 06:08:25 GMT, in comp.os.linux.advocacy,

>>>>While you're correct, the GIMPis still a very capable graphics program.
>>> But not quite as capable as PSP.

>>Actually, you wouldnt know.  You have already shown over and over that you 
>>do not understand even the simplest software (Forte Agent) and that you 

> I understand Forte Agent perfectly well.

I understand it better than you, because I figured out filtering inside
Forte Agent.  And I figured it out in under five minutes.  How long did 
take you?  Whats that?  Still figuring it out?

>>are loathe to read instructions.  The fact is, you have no idea WHAT
>>the gimp can do, because you are retarded and useless.

> I doubt anyones retardedness is the reason the GIMP isn't as good as
> Paint shop pro, apart from the GIMP programmers.

Again, you are not aware of what GIMP can actually do, so your opinion 
is utterly worthless.

>>>>This is the problem as I see it, Windows *only* costs around $100 -$300,
>>>>PSP another hundred, Agent another ??, etc, etc.
>>> Not when you crack it.

>>There are those of us out there who hold stations in life in which it is not
>>wise to crack every single piece of software we want.  

> Any reasons perhaps?

Yes, business reasons.  All of my business software is legit, period.  

Makes tax time a bit more lucerative and it keeps adobe off my back.


"George Dubya Bush---the best presidency money can buy"

---obviously some Godless commie heathen faggot bastard


From: John Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UI Importance
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 21:25:22 GMT

Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> It stikes me that developers could just invent what they like, and 
>> users could just choose to use what they like.

> Yes John,

> Well this isn't the way it currently works as of now.

> You see Microsoft with Windows has been scaling along 
> the business front with the hardware vendors for years
> by giving incentives for them to develop products which
> are specifically designed for 'A' Windows product line.
> [...]

This is a complex question.  There have been some pretty good choices
for PC operating systems, but most people decided to stick with 
Microsoft.  You could argue (like us Mac users did in the mid 80's)
that those users were just wrong ... or you could try to figure out
what "utility" (to borrow a term from economics) those people were

I think just being in the mainstream ("network effects") outweighed
the disadvantages of UI & etc.  DOS had a much much worse "UI" than
the Macintosh of the day, but you could ask for DOS help anywhere.
You bumped into DOS everywhere you went.

The Microsoft-compatiblity factor made things easier for people then,
just as it does now.  So much so that Microsoft still has a lot of
room to extract profit before many people start to leave.

There may be a few people here and there mismatched with their OSes,
but I expect the majority have got what they want.



From: flatfish+++ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What does Linux need for the desktop?
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 21:31:46 GMT

On Sun, 3 Jun 2001 22:44:06 +0200, Marc Schlensog

>Well... I know of 4 out of 6 users I totally converted to Linux. They don't 
>want to use Windog anymore.  But anyway, there'd be a hell of a lot more
>Linux users, if Linux was preinstalled the same way Windows is.  How many
>non-computer-literates do you know who are switching from WinME to Win2000?
>I don't think that there are all too many.

And there would be a lot more VW's on the road if every baby born came
with one.

Nobody in their right mind runs WinME. 
It is a huge step backwards from SE.

>When was the last time you were using X? Back in fvwm times? Did you ever 
>try KDE2? Or GNOME? First of all, they look much more lovely than Windog 
>will probably ever do. Secondly, they aren't that much harder to use.

I didn't say that, but it's not the look that is the problem it is the
lack of consistancy and ease of use.
Windows drag an icon anywhere and it is there. Start menu, desktop,
task bar etc.


Good luck finding the config file.


"Why do they call it a flatfish?"


From: flatfish+++ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LINUX PRINTING SUCKS!!!!!!!!
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 21:33:22 GMT

On Sun, 03 Jun 2001 20:45:37 -0000, Ray Chason

>A properly configured Linux print system, OTOH, sets up all apps that
>comply with it, and is no harder to use than Windows.

That's the problem.

How does one go about conjuring up a properly configured Linux print

Under Windows I plug the beast in and it works.

Under Linux?

"Why do they call it a flatfish?"


From: Ray Chason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Argh - Ballmer
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 21:46:36 -0000

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Ebert) wrote:

>Yeah, but somehow people always manage to respond back.

So you admit to being a troll.

>Somebody should put your dick up your butt for calling me that,

Kooklis -- Ebert.  Ebert -- Kooklis.


 --------------===============<[ Ray Chason ]>===============--------------
         PGP public key at
                            Delenda est Windoze


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter da Silva)
Crossposted-To: comp.arch,misc.invest.stocks
Subject: Re: The beginning of the end for microsoft
Date: 3 Jun 2001 21:39:47 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Toon Moene  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You mean you can get help on Microsoft Windows (NT) problems on Usenet
> as well ?

I've gotten more support on NT problems on Usenet than from Microsoft,
that's for sure. It's a tremendous resource.

> Doh !  Wonder what the advantage of Linux is, then :-)

I'm sure I wouldn't know. I don't use Linux.

 `-_-'   In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva.
  'U`    "A well-rounded geek should be able to geek about anything."
                                                       -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Disclaimer: WWFD?



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