Linux-Advocacy Digest #247, Volume #35           Thu, 14 Jun 01 21:13:03 EDT

  Re: Where is American pride?... (was Re: European arrogance and     (GreyCloud)
  Re: Where is American pride?... (was Re: European arrogance and     (GreyCloud)
  Re: Windows makes good coasters (GreyCloud)
  Re: OT:  Where is American pride?... (was Re: European arrogance and      
ignorance...) ("Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)")
  Re: IBM Goes Gay (.)
  Re: Where is American pride?... (was Re: European arrogance and       ignorance...) 
("Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)")
  Re: Linux freindly ISPs? (Chris Street)
  Re: the world thinks there is only windows. yahoo sucks. (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: OT:  Where is American pride?... (was Re: European arrogance and       
ignorance...) ("Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)")
  Re: LINUX PRINTING SUCKS!!!!!!!! (GreyCloud)
  Re: Here's a switch for a change (GreyCloud)
  Re: Why homosexuals are no threat to heterosexuals ("You've got MALE.. sex organs!")
  Re: So what software is the NYSE running ? (GreyCloud)
  Re: So what software is the NYSE running ? (GreyCloud)
  Re: So what software is the NYSE running ? (GreyCloud)
  Re: So what software is the NYSE running ? (GreyCloud)
  Re: So what software is the NYSE running ? (GreyCloud)


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where is American pride?... (was Re: European arrogance and    
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:09:00 -0700

Edward Rosten wrote:
> >> Also, we all know what American Democracy = Large corporations using
> > parties
> >> to push their agenda.
> >
> > Oh God.  Another "waaaah!  They have money, and I don't!  It so unfair!"
> > type of person.
> Why don't you try engaging your brain for a change?
> If you read the post, the complaint is not about the poster's lack of
> money, but the way political parties are funded. If a party receives the
> majority of its money from a corporation, who do you think has the most
> influence, the corportaion or the people.
> Do you think it is fair and democratic that the richest corporations have
> far more say than the majority of the people casting votes?
> > Competition is the essence of capitalism.  If you can't handle it, then
> > that's your problem.  But most people, when competing, feel like they
> > are accomplishing something (and they are).  Competition is the ultimate
> > high for people of any culture.
> Yes, but corporations are (or should not be) a majority player in the
> governmane.
> > And if I have the desire, wherewithall, and ability, I can found one of
> > those large corporations, as can ANYONE here.
> Not anyone can. You need luck as well.
> > Look at Microsoft... people like you hate them, because they were simply
> > skilled and smart enough to rise to an unprecedented position.
> > Personally, I think Microsoft is a testament to the American will, and
> > capitalism.
> I grew to hate MS after the 25th reinstall of 'doze.
> -ed

Ouch!  It took you that many times to realize that MS makes junk?


> > Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing, of course, depends upon
> > your POV.
> --
> (You can't go wrong with psycho-rats.)               (u98ejr)(@)(ecs.ox)(
> /d{def}def/f{/Times-Roman findfont s scalefont setfont}d/s{10}d/r{roll}d f 5 -1
> r 230 350 moveto 0 1 179{2 1 r dup show 2 1 r 88 rotate 4 mul 0 rmoveto}for/s 15
> d f pop 240 420 moveto 0 1 3 {4 2 1 r sub -1 r show}for showpage



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where is American pride?... (was Re: European arrogance and    
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:09:35 -0700

Thaddius Maximus wrote:
> "Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)" wrote:
> >
> > > > The Conservative's had a crushing defeat :) well, it definately shows
> > that
> > > > the British public aren't about to be sucked into the "lower tax" hype
> > > > created by the Bush admin. in the US. Well, hopefully Tony Blaire's
> > second
> > > > term will be a good one. Oh, also, what's even better, we know who won!
> > > > unlike the US election that just dragged on and on. Mind you, I never
> > > > followed it, esp. when a nation that preaches democracy doesn't practice
> > it
> > > > when election time rolls around.
> > >
> > > <sigh>
> > >
> > > Talk about keeping your head in your own little world. You don't
> > > know the first thing about American Democracy. That election fiasco
> > > was an example of how firm and solid the American democracy is and
> > > how it can withstand the challenge of corrupt officials (Gore, Clinton)
> > > and an attack from within.
> >
> > Well, for 500 years, Britainnia has never had that sort of issues to worry
> > about. New Zealand, that hasn't happened. I think it happened once in
> > Australia, but the governor general desolved parliament and there was a
> > re-election.
> >
> > Also, we all know what American Democracy = Large corporations using parties
> > to push their agenda.
> >
> You keep using the term "American democracy," would you please explain
> to this American its context in the scheme of the US Constitution?
> ....

Even our pledge of Allegiance says its a republic.



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows makes good coasters
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:11:04 -0700

Stuart Fox wrote:
> "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > >
> > >There's nothing there about getting it working properly.  It was working
> > >properly, it was just fucking slow with X.  Of course, XF86Config didn't
> > >actually work, so I had to adjust the config file myself, but yes, it
> worked
> > >properly, slowly.
> >
> > I've never had a problem with that arrangement.  Obviously a 486 with 16M
> > of ram will be a little slower than a PIII with 512M of ram, but then,
> > even a Windows advocate would be aware of that?
> Haha.  Yes, of course it was always going to be slow, but it was slower than
> Windows 95 on the same box, which was not what I was lead to belive.
> >
> > I've managed to get usable xterms with twm and Xfree 3 running on a 386
> > machine.  It's not really quick, but it does work.
> >
> Yes, it was like wading through treacle.  I like my GUI to be a bit
> snappier.

Now install Win2k on that same machine and see how slow that works.

> >
> > >>
> > >> >Are you saying I shouldn't use X, even though it's flexibility and
> > >> >customisability and usuability make it far superior to Windows?
> (sarcasm)
> > >>
> > >> No, I'm saying you should use bash.
> > >
> > >That's fine for me, I work with computers for a living, I can figure it
> out.
> > >Not so good for ordinary Joe User though
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Why not?
> Joe User had enough trouble using DOS, bash is more complicated



From: "Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT:  Where is American pride?... (was Re: European arrogance and      
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 12:13:04 +1200

>>>>You think conservatives want people to become educated?
>>>>Look at their education bills. They don't want you to have a clue about the
>>>>true history of this country. Because if you did, you'd realize what true
>>>>scoundrels they are. You sound as if you are their poster boy.
>>>>You need to hit the books pal, and open your mind.
>>>For the first time in 8 years the USA has an education policy
>>>under the Bush Administration.   Under the Clinton Administration
>>>the education policy consisted of nothing more than Slick Willie
>>>chasing school girls his daughter's age.
>>Oh yeah, and removing all trace of religious freedom at the local
>>level, not to mention spreading abortion propaganda and sex
>>education which consisted of teachers encouraging students to
>>lie on top of each other.
> Man, things sure have changed since I was in school!

I'm not too sure about the US education system, but could someone please 
go into detail on how/why it has degraded?

Matthew Gardiner


Subject: Re: IBM Goes Gay
Date: 15 Jun 2001 00:17:19 GMT

pip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "." wrote:
>> You are an idiot.  This is exactly why I despise the english.

> Edward is not the idiot here. It is sad that you are a blatant racist
> with hugely bigoted views and uninformed opinions.

>> > If you visit England,
>> I lived there for some time.

> I am glad that you have left

>> > You are probably one of those people who thinks that you have to be from
>> > "elsewhere" to have a race.
>> No, I understand the biological definition of 'race'.  Not your fake, made
>> up, nationalistic version.

> You understand VERY little with a small mind.

>> > I wasn't accusing you of hating non caucasians. I was accusing you of
>> > being racist for hating the English. There is a difference. There are
>> > planty of non caucasian Englishmen.
>> Yes, and I hate them all too.  Thats why I pointed out the difference.

> You are just too sad to be true.

Yet I am still left wondering why only the english and their cohorts (a few
pussy scots, all of the welsh and an irishman or two here and there) are
the only people in the world who think that a nationality is the same thing 
as a race.

But fair enough.  I hate the english race with a passion equaled only by 
my libido.

Does that make me a racist?  Perhaps.  

And so what?  Everyone is a racist, its just that some of us are a little 
more honest about it than others.  Being english as you are, do you not 
have one or two very tiny little illogical expectations of all the west
indians that have settled in your country?


"George Dubya Bush---the best presidency money can buy"

---obviously some Godless commie heathen faggot bastard


From: "Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where is American pride?... (was Re: European arrogance and       
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 12:16:34 +1200

>>>Look at Microsoft... people like you hate them, because they were simply
>>>skilled and smart enough to rise to an unprecedented position.
>>>Personally, I think Microsoft is a testament to the American will, and
>>I grew to hate MS after the 25th reinstall of 'doze.
> Ouch!  It took you that many times to realize that MS makes junk?
> :-)

Well, to be totally honest, it wasn't until I purchased by first PC, P75
with 8MB of RAM, that I found out who Microsoft were. Prior to that I 
used by Amiga 500 exclusively for 8 years to complete all my work.

Matthew Gardiner


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Street)
Subject: Re: Linux freindly ISPs?
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 00:14:55 GMT

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:48:43 +0100, "Edward Rosten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Hi Guys!
>Question for the UK linux users here.
>Which dialup ISPs are Linux friendly, and which one do you think is the
>I'm moving in to a flat soon and since I have a Linux box, I need a Linux
>friendly ISP, also, cable is not an option.
>Also can anyone also reccomend a good external modem for Linux? I don't
>want an internal one since they're harder to swap computers with.
>I know this group well enought to know that i'll get some pretty solid
>advice, and I'd also kindly ask the wintrolls to go away.
>If necessary, I can get hold of a Windows box temporarily if I need that
>to register.

If you are near Birmingham, go for Waverider internet. I personally
know the main systems engineer there and he is an avid Linux and BSD
user. Well clued up and they give good tech support.

79.84% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
The other 42% are made up later on.
In Warwick - looking at flat fields and that includes the castle.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Ebert)
Subject: Re: the world thinks there is only windows. yahoo sucks.
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 00:21:27 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, top@pp wrote:
>Lets all write to yahoo and complain. I am just had it with
>sites like yahoo that only supports windows.
>click on this site and you'll get an error that it is only supported
>on windoz. 
>yahoo is as stupid as any business out there which only makes its
>web pages to one platform. 

What's incredible about Yahoo is it runs off of FreeBSD and
has Google the Linux powered search engine firm as an aide.

There's nothing Windowy about Yahoo at all.

I'll bet they don't have have one IIS server anywhere.`



From: "Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT:  Where is American pride?... (was Re: European arrogance and       
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 12:19:41 +1200

>>I don't think he's referring to the current state, or the
>>way things were way back when.  I think he's referring to
>>the ideas and ideals that are genius.  In such a case, I
>>would agree, to the logical extent that such ways are the
>>most realistic ideals to date.
>>It is my contention that most politicians, be they
>>Democrat, or Republican, are fscking morons.  Look
>>at how McCain has been waffling along.  IMHO, Bush
>>just happens to be one of the few exceptions to the
>>Did you know that out here in AZ, we actually had a Rep.
>>advocating the idea of having a "state dirt"?  I couldn't
>>believe that one.  Another case of a pot-smoking lib
>>dressing like a Rep, IMHO.
> I just think that McCaine has a grudge against bush.

I remember, when Bill Clinton went for his second term, there was a dim 
witt who wanted to close the US up, vitually make it an eastern block 
because "foreign competition was taking jobs away from US citizens".

Someone should have really smacked the guy in the head with a reality stick.

Matthew Gardiner


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LINUX PRINTING SUCKS!!!!!!!!
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:20:12 -0700

"ne..." wrote:
> On Jun 14, 2001 at 07:06, . eloquently wrote:
> >drsquare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On 8 Jun 2001 18:54:00 GMT, in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
> >>  ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (.)) wrote:
> >
> >>>drsquare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>>>>>>What do you prefer?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> BITTER.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>What *kind* of bitter, you simpleton.
> >>>
> >>>> Any.
> >>>
> >>>heineken?
> >
> >> That's lager isn't it?
> >
> >No, its pilsner.  Read the goddamned can.
> U drink from cans??? bletch!
> --
> Registered Linux User # 125653 (
> roach vt.
>  [Bell Labs] To destroy, esp. of a data
>    structure.  Hardware gets toasted or fried, software gets
>    roached.
>   8:38am  up 3 days, 10:03,  7 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Heheheh... try Budweiser from a can.  ;-)



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Here's a switch for a change
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:29:36 -0700

Ayende Rahien wrote:
> "GreyCloud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > No.  It had become a moot point anyway... MS says I don't qualify.
> > I'll go to Metrowerks compiler.  They make compilers for a lot of
> > different platforms.
> What do you mean, you don't qualify?
> You mean that you can't get the SP?

That is correct.  They won't give me one.



From: "You've got MALE.. sex organs!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why homosexuals are no threat to heterosexuals
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 18:41:25 -0600


AARON is a closet homosexual, which is why he makes such a big deal
trying to distance himself from it.

Perhaps this is why he never gets any sex.

"Aaron R. Kulkis" wrote:
> "Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)" wrote:
> >
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > "Aaron R. Kulkis" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > "Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)" wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Nutshell: Personal Responsibility.
> > > >
> > > > And it's quite obvious that gays don't have it.
> > > >
> > > > That's why a mere 1% of the population constitutes more than 50% of the
> > AIDS cases.
> > > >
> > > 1%?  What fucking planet are you living on you?
> > > --
> > >
> >
> > I never said the 1% bullshit.  Just correct the figure, most cases, in
> > Eastern Europe, African and Asia are either hetro sex or drugs. Also, I was
> > assuming thats what AK was trying to say in his frantic hetro-fit.
> translation: I, Matthew Gardiner, am a homosexual...who is
>         trying to silence ANY AND ALL commentary against homosexual behavior.
> >
> > Unfortunately/fortunately AK doesn't live in reality. Supposedly that is
> > because he went off to war like a good little boy, and somehow that makes
> > him the judge, jury and executioner.  I've actually always wondered whether
> > AK was one of those kids that used to get beaten up all the time for acting
> > like a dick head.
> >
> > Matthew Gardiner
> > --
> > I am the blue screen of death
> > nobody hears your scream's
> >
> > Sepo is a cockney term for yank,
> > however, in New Zealand and Australia
> > a yank is a wank, well, same thing ;)
> >
> > For AOL and earthlink lusers asking stupid questions:
> > Seek and ye shall find
> --
> Aaron R. Kulkis
> Unix Systems Engineer
> DNRC Minister of all I survey
> ICQ # 3056642
> L: This seems to have reduced my spam. Maybe if everyone does it we
>    can defeat the email search bots.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> K: Truth in advertising:
>         Left Wing Extremists Charles Schumer and Donna Shalala,
>         Black Seperatist Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan,
>         Special Interest Sierra Club,
>         Anarchist Members of the ACLU
>         Left Wing Corporate Extremist Ted Turner
>         The Drunken Woman Killer Ted Kennedy
>         Grass Roots Pro-Gun movement,
> J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
>    The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
>    also known as old hags who've hit the wall....
> I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
>    challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
>    between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
>    Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole
> H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
>     premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
>     you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
>     you are lazy, stupid people"
> G:'re a retard.
> F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
>    adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.
> E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
>    her behavior improves.
> D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
>    ...despite (C) above.
> C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.
> B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
>    method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
>    direction that she doesn't like.
> A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So what software is the NYSE running ?
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:36:02 -0700

"Christopher L. Estep" wrote:
> "GreyCloud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Jon Johansan wrote:
> > >
> > > "Norman D. Megill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > news:7FSU6.761$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > > In article <%4uU6.12535$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > > > Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >You mean like Nasdaq? They're running Microsoft and I haven't heard a
> > > peep
> > > > >from them about any crashes.
> > > > >
> > > > >Well, I guess there goes your theory. Perhaps NYSE should look at
> > > > >and see what they're doing.
> > > >
> > > > Contrary to MS marketing hype, the role of Win2K is non-critical
> front-end
> > > > stuff like the web site.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > te%3Dgroups
> > > >
> > >
> > > Given that your source is a single post from "" -
> you
> > > don't think that it's FULL OF SHIT?
> > >
> > > It is. NASDAQ continues what they started in July of 2000 - converting
> to
> > > W2K on the floor, web AND the back server room. You can try to deny it
> but
> > > it's true.
> >
> > Gee... now that must explain why the NASDAQ is falling thru the floor
> > then.
> > :-)
> The NASDAQ is heavily weighted towards technology stocks.  The Dow hasn't
> been exactly *safe* these days (remember, Intel and Microsoft are both part
> of the Dow 30 Industrials; the first non-NYSE stocks to be part of the Dow).
> Christopher L. Estep

Don't forget that MS lost 2/3 of its high value.
None of these markets are safe. The current stock brokers are getting as
bad as used car salesmen.  When things settle down better... like after
Feb. 2002 I'll head back in.
But I highly doubt that any MS product will be actually doing the
electronic trading that is currently being done on mainframes.  The MS
machines will most likely be served raw data from the mainframes for
reporting purposes.... and other mundane tasks.
It will remain to be seen how this all works out.



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So what software is the NYSE running ?
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:38:19 -0700

Chad Myers wrote:
> "Ed Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > In article <L8yV6.26582$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >What? Now your just being rediculous. Do you even expect anyone here to
> > >believe that your inadaquacies as a computer user have anything to do with
> > >the quality of MS software?
> > >
> > >Would you like me to show you screen shots of a successful deletion of
> > >multiple messages?
> > >
> >     By now most of us have memorized the approved responses to expect
> >     from you.  First blame the user as demonstrated by Bill himself in
> >     this interview:
> [SNIP: more masturbatory bullshit from Ed]
> The fact is, millions of users out there (hundreds that I have
> personally seen) have used Outlook for simple things like this
> and have never had a problem. I have installed hundreds of
> Outlook installations if you count OL97 - OL2000 and I have
> never ONCE seen any problem deleting multiple emails.
> In fact, on many occasions, I was backing up a user's mailbox
> and was copying their email from the server to a local PST file,
> then deleting them off the server. I had to delete several
> thousands of emails at one time and I've never seen a hiccup.
> I'm sure you could ask a sample of 100 Outlook users (any version)
> and 100 of them will tell you that they've never encountered this
> problem.
> Either he's making it up, or he has a really, really screwed up
> OL or Exchange install.
> -c

How can it be screwed up install if it supposed to be just automatic
like MS says it is?
You know like pop in a CD and it just installs??



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So what software is the NYSE running ?
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:40:15 -0700

Chad Myers wrote:
> "Colin Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Chad Myers wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Usually, it says something about a file being used by another patch.
> > >
> > > I've seen others flash up about how it couldn't execute a command or
> > > script or something. They just flash by in the countless lines of
> > > useless crap output it displays as its hosing the OS and blowing away
> > > and hope of ever booting again.
> > >
> >
> > Ever try redirecting standard error to a floppy?
> Why should I have to? No I have to do even more things to ensure
> that the broken patch manager in Solaris does its job correctly.
> Next, I suppose you'll tell me that I should just do it all by
> hand (copy the files, compare the file dates, etc).
> That's the Unix way right? Spend countless hours what takes
> minutes in Windows.
> -c

Sounds an awful lot like a big FUD compaign.  Seeing that all the big
companies and Linux are coalescing with UNIX ,.... it should frighten MS
real bad to spread this kind of FUD around.



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So what software is the NYSE running ?
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:41:47 -0700

Ayende Rahien wrote:
> "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:3b28bdd2$0$94306$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > That's the Unix way right? Spend countless hours what takes
> > minutes in Windows.
> Not arguing with this.
> But keep in mind that the reverse is true as well.

You have to realize Ayende that I have used Solaris pkgadd too and have
had no problems at all.  It is very reliable.  It even writes a log of
where and what files were installed.



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So what software is the NYSE running ?
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:44:42 -0700

"Christopher L. Estep" wrote:
> "GreyCloud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I highly doubt that... as UNIX and Apache are primarily the predominant
> > O/S and webserver software out there.
> > You need big iron for heavy volume trading.
> > So far that is all that is running,... BIG IRON.
> Did you know that a Windows 2000 variant of Apache exists?

I can believe that.  Change a few things here and there.... and presto!

It now belongs to microsoft.

Another symptom of "Not invented here".

> Also, the biggest reason why there is still lots of mainframe software and
> hardware is because of *old code* (the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
> school was born in mainframe computing) that either doesn't convert well, or
> convert at all, to a GUI environment (*any* GUI environment, including X).
> Mainframe compuing is *not* cost-effective compared to server farms
> clustered properly (this applies to *any* OS that supports clustering, not
> just Datacenter Server) as companies like DST Innovis
> ( prove every day.
> Also, note that the top 50 machines in TPC-C and TPC-H benchmarks are *not*
> mainframes.
> ASCI White, the second most powerful supercomputer on the planet, is *not* a
> mainframe, but consists of 9,200 Intel Pentium Pros.
> Sandia has asked Microsoft to port XP Datacenter Server to their
> supercomputers.
> Christopher L. Estep




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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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