On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Jared Buckley spewed into the bitstream:

> Ok, so to get things started off, here's a question that we need to ask
> ourselves before we begin considering a draft proposal for creating an
> "approved courseware" program: 
>     1)        Should we engage in granting our seal of approval to
>       various vendors courseware and training programs?
>       PROS:
>           o   Additional future source of revenue for LPI.
>           o   Creates a tie-in that should increase
>               participation and visibility.
>           o   Gives us some measure of control over how
>               the programs are developed.

Add... satisfies repeated, current, corporate requests.

>       CONS:
>           o   Requires many additional resources from LPI
>               including, but not limited to staffing.

Not if it's sub-contracted to persons intimate with the LPI program... i.e. some
of the people right here on this list and some of the others (which, I believe
it should be). The contractors assessments will require review internally within
LPI but this is certainly no where near as burdensome as it might otherwise be.

>           o   Until a successful program gets off the ground,
>               approving vendor courseware will siphon funds
>               away from our core responsibility: test creation.

Vendors desiring this status will pay for 100% of this process... IOW... the
analysis of materials is, without a doubt a professional service. The vendor
will pay for this as well as a license fee for the logo and the LPI name! Our
development here is based on the volunteer status of the members of this list so
the net cost of the program's development to LPI is 0 (caveat: as long as people
heed my comments about any existing or potential involvement with program or

>           o   Creates potential ethical problems in that we're
>               essentially awarding preferred status to vendors.

As they've been asking for it I don't think they're concerned with this... and
an additional point is that it's a merit based adjudication based on their
content... how is that "preferred"? It's how the market works in any event.

  Chuck Mead  /  Director of Corporate Relations  /  Treasurer
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /  Linux Professional Institute  /  http://www.lpi.org/

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