On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Alina Swietochowska spewed into the bitstream:
> I personally believe very strongly that POMS General Linux I and General
> Linux II is what is going to be needed mostly, and I can't see much demand
> for any of the other papers in any large volumes if at all. Too much
> fragmentation, for the moment anyway. I reckon the problem is in WHO exactly
> is certification aimed for. Most of the Linux users (at least in the UK) are
> still either individuals or small/medium companies. These will not
> want/afford to pay for the exams at all. Large corporates can afford, but
> they are unlikely to use uniform distribution and follow a single programme.
> I may be wrong, but I can't envisage a repeat of what used to happen with
> Unix in the old days, where BIG BOSS would decide to go for HP, Sun, IBM or
> any other, and all the support, training , etc was sourced with the same
> provider. If it does happen, ie a company adopts one distribution across the
> board, they are likely to take all the services from the provider (including
> training) and will not worry too much whether it has LPI's seal of approval.

How then, do we account for the demand? I sent an email out yesterday which
included no less than 5 major requests from training companies and .edu's for an
approval process for courseware.

  Chuck Mead  /  Director of Corporate Relations  /  Treasurer
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /  Linux Professional Institute  /  http://www.lpi.org/

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