
        Since we're only now just talking about the concept, nothing has been
set in stone.  I would personally envision this as being both an
approval process for classes and products, but again, we've just started
this discussion.  You've raised some good questions; anyone feel like


Jonathan Corbet wrote:
> Just to say "I've been lurking too" ...
> We (Eklektix, Inc.) are a Colorado-based firm that does - among other
> things - Linux system admin training.  We have a couple of courses out
> there, info at
> When you talk of LPI certification for courseware, we do, of course, have
> some interest.  There is, however, one aspect to this that I don't
> understand, yet.  Are you looking to certify:
> 1) Courseware which is being offered as a product in its own right, or
> 2) Courseware used in the teaching of classes.
> We do not currently sell our education materials separately from our class
> offerings, though we have considered it - we get occasional queries.  If we
> continue not to sell them, is this potential certification offering aimed
> at us or not?
> Is the idea that certification would mean that the courseware somehow
> addresses all of the objectives put forward for the Level N exams?  Will
> you have different certifications for each level?
> We've been looking at how closely our courses address the Level I
> objectives.  So far we cover them pretty well, and go substantially beyond
> most of them.  There are, however, some objectives (i.e. "function on the
> command line, deal with environment variables, use vi") that cover skills
> that we assume our students already have.  Thus, we have no coverage of how
> to use the vi editor.
> Adding vi to our course is not something we want to do.  We would rather be
> teaching our students how to set up firewalls and other fun things like
> that.  Does that mean our courseware would not be eligible for
> certification?
> Thanks,
> jon
> Jonathan Corbet, Eklektix, Inc.
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