Just to say "I've been lurking too" ...

We (Eklektix, Inc.) are a Colorado-based firm that does - among other
things - Linux system admin training.  We have a couple of courses out
there, info at training.eklektix.com.

When you talk of LPI certification for courseware, we do, of course, have
some interest.  There is, however, one aspect to this that I don't
understand, yet.  Are you looking to certify:

1) Courseware which is being offered as a product in its own right, or

2) Courseware used in the teaching of classes.

We do not currently sell our education materials separately from our class
offerings, though we have considered it - we get occasional queries.  If we
continue not to sell them, is this potential certification offering aimed
at us or not?

Is the idea that certification would mean that the courseware somehow
addresses all of the objectives put forward for the Level N exams?  Will
you have different certifications for each level?

We've been looking at how closely our courses address the Level I
objectives.  So far we cover them pretty well, and go substantially beyond
most of them.  There are, however, some objectives (i.e. "function on the
command line, deal with environment variables, use vi") that cover skills
that we assume our students already have.  Thus, we have no coverage of how
to use the vi editor.  

Adding vi to our course is not something we want to do.  We would rather be
teaching our students how to set up firewalls and other fun things like
that.  Does that mean our courseware would not be eligible for



Jonathan Corbet, Eklektix, Inc.

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