Richard Sharpe wrote:
> At 11:55 PM 6/30/99 -0500, Alan & Susan Mead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >SAY, I just had a great idea or a crappy one (I cannot tell):  would it be
> >helpful . . . to, say, publish one bad item each day during item writing,
> >dissecting how it could be better?
> I actually think that this is a good idea.

For what it's worth, I agree as well.  It may even take care of itself.

> I would also say that we should ask a small group of people who did not
> write the test to sit the exam, or review the tests, as well.  This will
> expose them to an audience of people other than the test item writers.

I think this would be VERY important.  Oftentimes when writing anything
is a lack of clarity between what is intended to be expressed, and what
actually written down.  This is true of prose, poetry, programming, and
too, test questions.  I think the test questions should be regarded like
software package.  They have bugs in them.  The bugs just haven't been
yet, and without sufficient testing on a sufficient number of machines,
our case people, the bugs won't be found.

(Was that clear? Did I write what I intended to say?  :)  


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