At 09:19 AM 6/30/99 -0700, Michael Jang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I think Richard Stallman is the motivation behind the questions on history.
>If I understand right, his thinking is that Linux Gurus without a sense of
>history will fall to the same mistakes made by the Microsofts and even the
>Apples or the world.
>Remember, Stallman insists that people refer to the operating system as "GNU
>Linux," since Linux, strictly speaking is just the kernel.
>And I think he's right. Without the history, there is no FSF movement.
>Without the spirit of the FSF, you would not be putting out this effort
>today, for free. A Linux Guru without a sense of history becomes easy
>pickings for the next - comptetent - sales pitch.

Hmmm, well, I have to say that I do not agree.

I have used mainframes in the past, but only as a student at Uni and for a
short while in my working career.  For the last 18 years or so, I have used
Minis etc, like Prime, DEC VAX, etc.

In addition, I have used UNIX since about 1985, and Linux for perhaps about
6 years.  I have also used GNU tools for a long time, and built GCC years
ago etc.

I also am a Free Software contributor, having contributed patches back to
Sendmail years ago, and more recently being involved in Samba and Ethereal.

I do not know the answers to those questions, and frankly, do not care.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard Sharpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 6:51 AM
>Subject: SAIR Tests seem to be up ...
>>well, the SAIR tests seem to be up.  I went and had a look at the sample
>>I am mystified at the testing about ancient events in the first couple of

Richard Sharpe, [EMAIL PROTECTED], NS Computer Software and Services P/L,
Samba (Team member, Ethereal (Team member
Co-author, SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours

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