Just to stick in my $0.02 to an audience who will contribute items for LPI,
this item makes me ill because:

(1) it seems as though multiple interpretations are possible (does
'shutdown' imply 'shutdown -h now'?)
(2) the answer is different from what a competent junior/regular sysadmin
would do (i.e., like Chuck Mead said) so I could know perfectly well how to
shut down a Linux box (indeed, I do) and get the item wrong (indeed, I
did)--this implies the item is invalid because valid items should ALWAYS
correlate with the trait they are intended to measure (indeed, this is the
practical definition of "valid")
(3) this might be nit-picking but "command" implies a file and I could have
easily created a file called reboot and another called halt which just
implemented the -r or -h (I guess they could interfere with the system
commands, depending on the path); I think the item writer probably meant
"stock" commands...

So..  I guess I'm saying that you should review the item writing guidelines
before writing any items and do NOT write items like this for our exam...
You might even consider trying your items out on a spouse or coworker to get
a second opinion (I'm sure Tobin didn't sit down and say, "Gee, let's write
some really hosed items for the sample test").  Your attention to these
sorts of details will ensure (1) that the Tobins of the world don't fun of
the LPI items and (2) more importantly, make the LPI test "world
class"--something we can all be very very proud of (like Linux itself).


SAY, I just had a great idea or a crappy one (I cannot tell):  would it be
helpful (beyond the current thread's educational value) to, say, publish one
bad item each day during item writing, dissecting how it could be better?
(We wouldn't want to publish the killers.)  Would that help you all to be
better item writers?  I know you are probably mostly confident but so was
the poor soul who wrote the "Johnny" question below and look where he/she
went...  Significantly more than 50% of people think they are "better than
average" drivers...

>> 2.5     Jimmy wants to power off his computer. Which of the
>>         commands (entered at the command line) will
>>         cause his system to shut down and stop? (Choose the BEST
>>         Answer)
>>               a)        shutdown
>>               b)        halt
>>               c)        reboot
>>               d)        All of the above

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