On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Forrest Tiffany wrote:

> "A.R. (Tom) Peters" wrote:
> > With c) (append): if you `cat *` and all_in_one exists, then cat will
> > complain that "input is output" but do it anyway.
> I get the complaint whether or not all_in_one exists.

  Well, I don't.  Apparently there are unsuspected features even in
simple GNU commands. How exactly does "*" expand in your pwd?  I got:

tom:(~/tmp): echo *
deb_all germans
tom:(~/tmp): cat * > all_in_one
tom:(~/tmp): echo *
all_in_one deb_all germans

  Regarding your other post: yes, we should put valid example questions
online when the time is there.  It will avoid lots of unnecessary
discussions and loss of confidence.


        Tom "thriving on chaos" Peters
                NL-1062 KD nr 149       tel.    31-204080204
                        Amsterdam       e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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