On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Alan & Susan Mead wrote:

> Tom didn't like the previous dictionary post so you can check out:
> http://conan.ipat.com/+AH4-cert/
> for the ASCII list, an HTML version (uses tables) and a perl script to
> convert.  This version also corrects a few spelling errors.

  I like this one!  My comments:


The list mainly deals with networking stuff.  Please consider that only
limited networking skills are required at the first level.  Would somebody
please scrutinize the Networking objectives in the first exams?  Or Alan,
did you already get the complete text of the objectives and searched them?


You list the names of the 7 OSI layers, but don't even mention OSI ("Open
Systems Interconnection" according to the glossary in the Network Admin.
Guide).  I wonder if we need to require this knowledge for Level I, it is
not in the objectices as far as I can tell.  In any case it would help if
you specify the number of the level with the name.


! This brings up another issue: we should discriminate which concepts and
acronyms we are using at what level.  For higher levels we will be using
names that need not be known at the lower.  I propose to add a new section
for each level we make, so the current draft should be headed by "Level


These acronyms I think should be deprecated, because they are just
convenient abbreviations of general concepts, and not a name of a
specific entity.  For the former, you do need to know what it is an
abbreviation of.  For the latter, you don't.  Let's discuss it here:



I am missing:

PLIP    ~       Parallel Line IP        ~
RAM     ~       Random Access Memory    ~       Volatile, writable memory
RFC     ~       Request For Comments    ~       
despite the name, de facto official specifications of Internet protocols
and standards.


At "Script", define "hack" as used in the description (or better, don't
even use the word).


At SMB: in the description, mention this is a M$ protocol, and may be
replaced by CIFS (anybody knows about current status?).  Also Netbeui
is usually spelled NetBEUI .  Finally, the description is misleading
since in my understanding the hierarchy of protocols is:

        |             SMB          |
        |   NetBIOS (API)   | IPX/ |
        --------------------| SPX  |
        | TCP/IP | NetBEUI  |      |
        |    bit-level protocols   |

  Therefore, in MS-Windows you can select either NetBEUI or TCP/IP as
protocol, but you need to select the latter if you are going to use Samba.



        Tom "thriving on chaos" Peters
                NL-1062 KD nr 149       tel.    31-204080204
                        Amsterdam       e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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