"A.R. (Tom) Peters" wrote:
>   What I mean is, that for the yet-to-be-developed higher level exams, we
> will be introducing advanced concepts.  For instance, err, PHP.  So we add
> PHP to our list.  Now every every newbie thinks: boy I have to learn PHP
> too!  To avoid that, we put it in a separate section marked "Level III".
> Of course the Level I section remains the same and the candidates for
> L.III exams still need to know it.
> >  If a concept or acronym isn't supposed
> > to be known by people of a certain skill level, then we should simply
> > leave that item off of the exam requirements.  However, we shouldn't
> > limit item writers from using the term.
>   Of course we should limit them!  If they use it, it is in the exams
> which means that we require the candidates to know about it.  In which
> case it should be in our list or objectives.

Well, I can tell you get the first part of my point.  However, I think
are missing the second part.  It is quite possible (although I can't
of an example for PHP) that a concept which will not be tested until a
exam will be mentioned in a lower level exam.  I will give you an
however note that I don't think this particular term  will be a term
would be a problem, but lets look at SCSI.  I don't think the details of
SCSI would be necessary to be known at level one, but I might want to
something about the SCSI disk attached to the system.  I am not making
argument for any of the obvious terms.  I am making it for the terms
are not obvious.  

If we intend the list to be a study aid, then yes we may want to
the different terms into categories based on the test level (or some
method).  However, as a tool for test creation, I think this would be a
counter-productive idea.  A list of terms is just that a list of terms.
If I am to talk about something I should use the correct term.  And this
list is the source to determine if the term I used is the correct one.
doesn't matter how advanced I am.  I feel that we should make the list
to be used as a tool, not a constraint, and putting levels next to terms
could become constraining for test developers.  


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