fruit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > But then it's ok to discuss about the theoretical technical realization
> > of softcams (not the use). Or do we actually break a law when
> > discussing this?
> Probably depends where in the world you happen to live.

In Germany, where this mailing list is situated, it is perfectly legal
to discuss theories about the technical realization of software which
could be used for circumventing access control. I am quite happy to
live in this part of the world and I don't see any problems with the
technical discussions on this list.

According to German law (Zugangskontrolldiensteschutz-Gesetz), it is
illegal to commercially manufacture, offer or distribute technology to
circumvent pay-tv encryption. As a consequence I don't want people to
ask for or to offer this technology on this list. This list is not a
market place for pay-tv cracking tools.

> > Maybee soon, when Third Reich censorship is introduced again to
> > protect the industry, their patents and their monopolies.
> Mm.. that's a difficult one. Personally I'm not really happy with
> the way patents and monopolies are going, but without a profit
> incentive I think we'd see little innovative h/w.

Profit incentive is only one of the reasons for innovation. 

The industry did not invent services like the World Wide Web or
Napster, nor did they invent Linux - still they exist.

The major reason for innovation is the need for a solution of an
existing problem. If the industry doesn't offer the devices and
services their customers want to have, people will build them on their

Instead of trying to protect their monopolies by changing patent and
copyright law, the consumer electronics industry should start offering
innovative digital television devices and services to the consumers.

Otherwise people will lose interest in consumer electronics and
redefine television using standard hardware and open source software.

just my 2 cents
Martin Springer, Chief Evangelist                 
convergence integrated media gmbh      GPG Key-ID  1024D/8EFE7B2F
Rosenthaler Str. 51                    ph/ +49 (0)30- 72 62 06 73
D-10178 Berlin                         fx/ +49 (0)30- 72 62 06 55

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