On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Jeffrey B. Siegal wrote:

> Matt Porter wrote:
> > Wind River should be especially scared since
> > they sit at the top and make a nice target.
> Also, their system is a) very Unix-like, and b) reasonably heavy
> weight.  That makes it all the more likely that customers seriously
> considering their product (or already using it and paying high
> royalties) will seriously consider Linux as an alternative.

Yes, and here is another one (I didn't want to bombard the original
poster): a lot of companies already purchase the VxWorks source code due
to a need to modify it.  Well, as soon as they touch that code they lose
all support from Wind River.  If they've lost support from Wind River,
what was the reason that they bothered buying into their OS again?  Yet
one more reason that Linux will kill them (as if they didn't have enough
worries from wince).

The major thing that is keeping the big boys away is the lack of
tools...and I mean refined tools like Lineo is proposing.  Right now, you
have to know quite a bit in order to build up a decent rootfs for Linux
especially if you want to use sysvinit etc.  A good toolset will make that
really easy for a non-Linux savvy embedded software engineer to come up 
to speed and churn out applications.  Embedded application houses will
pay for that and a support contract.

Matt Porter                                       Motorola Computer Group
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           CIBU Linux Support

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