>The major thing that is keeping the big boys away is the lack of
>tools...and I mean refined tools like Lineo is proposing.  Right now, you
>have to know quite a bit in order to build up a decent rootfs for Linux
>especially if you want to use sysvinit etc.  A good toolset will make that
>really easy for a non-Linux savvy embedded software engineer to come up 
>to speed and churn out applications.  Embedded application houses will
>pay for that and a support contract.

 I second that. It took me maybe 3 days to get Linux booting out of ROM but I'm 
completely lost when it comes to the rest of the configuration necessary for a 
complete system. Such as non-root-users, init, shutdown (as in 
pulling-the-plug-shutdown), maintenance etc. Not to mention that I have yet to 
investigate some sort of flash storage/fs. Granted, I haven't dig to deep yet, lots of 
16-bit non-protected code to convert first and concepts to be invented.

 All in all, it takes a very different set of knowledge to make a complete Linux 
enviroment than what I, as an embedded engineer, have. Tools/how-to's simplifying this 
process would be a real boon.

//Cheers, Björn "Hope my English teacher isn't subscribed to this list..." Eriksson.

      O__  --....
     c/ /'_ ---...
    (*) \(*) ----..  Björne :P

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