On 2012-09-04T19:20:23, Alan Robertson <al...@unix.sh> wrote:

> I will likely write a monitor-only resource agent for web servers.  What 
> would you think about calling it from the other web resource agents?

Sharing code - in this case, the monitor-via-network of the http agents
- seems to make sense, yes.

> This resource agent will not look at any config files, and will require 
> everything explicitly in parameters, and will not know how to start or 
> stop anything.  This would be for my new monitoring project, of course 
> ;-).  But it could then be called by all the HTTP resource agents - or 
> used directly - for example by the Assimilation project.
> This would be a slight but useful bending of OCF resource agent APIs.  

I am not sure I'd go by making this OCF RA.

We've - for other reasons, like monitoring the services within a VM -
started to look at wrapping up the icinga/nagios probes so that they can
be configured and called by the cluster. My current thinking is that
they might be best handled via a new resource agent class.


primitive vm1 ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain
primitive vm1-httpd icinga:httpd \
        params ip="" port="80"
group vm1-service vm1 vm1-httpd

With some special code in the PE to make it understand that it can't
just restart vm1-httpd, but would need to tackle the whole group
atomically, etc.)

I'm curious, have you looked into re-using those probes already? I admit
we're still at the evaluation stage so we might have missed problems
with the approach.


Architect Storage/HA
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