On 09/08/2012 02:53 PM, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:
> On 2012-09-07T13:46:27, Alan Robertson <al...@unix.sh> wrote:
>> Well, I presume that one would not tell pacemaker about such agents, as
>> they would not be useful to pacemaker.  From the point of view of the
>> crm command, you wouldn't consider them as "valid" resource agents to
>> put in a configuration for pacemaker.
> Depends. Pacemaker may still care about the status of these agents.
If it can't start or stop them, what can it do with them?   And 
presuming it can't do anything with them, then it doesn't make sense to 
include them in a configuration.

Am I missing something here?

     Alan Robertson <al...@unix.sh> - @OSSAlanR

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