On 09/05/2012 03:32 AM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> This would be for my new monitoring project, of course
> ;-).  But it could then be called by all the HTTP resource agents - or
> used directly - for example by the Assimilation project.
> This would be a slight but useful bending of OCF resource agent APIs.
> We could create some new metadata to document it, and also not put start
> and stop into the actions in the operations section. Or just the latter.
> What do you think?
> Right now, there's a bunch of resource agents faking the state
> (e.g. ping), that is pretending to be able to start and stop.
> If we could somehow do without it, that would obviously be
> beneficial. Not sure if/how the pacemaker could deal with such
> agents.
Well, I presume that one would not tell pacemaker about such agents, as 
they would not be useful to pacemaker.  From the point of view of the 
crm command, you wouldn't consider them as "valid" resource agents to 
put in a configuration for pacemaker.

People would instead use the nginx or apache agents that _do_ know how 
to start and stop things.

     Alan Robertson <al...@unix.sh> - @OSSAlanR

"Openness is the foundation and preservative of friendship...  Let me claim 
from you at all times your undisguised opinions." - William Wilberforce
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