On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 10:28:48PM +1100, Terry Dawson wrote:
> > shows up in the amprnet listing at tapr.org!!!) Is there a solution
> > for ampr name lookups like the old ka9q domain.txt file?
> The domain.txt file, I think (it's been a good number of years since I
> ran NOS) is just the equivalent of the /etc/hosts file.
> I personally think you'd be better off fixing the actual problem though
> (the DNS problem or whatever it actually is) than naiively working
> around it with manual name->address mappings.
Has anyone come up with a method to convert the ampr.org listings from
ftp.ucsd.edu to a proper format to use with bind (which appears to me
to be more difficult to set up than sendmail?) I'm looking for a
solution which could be used on a system not connected full-time to the
Internet. I just bought the O'Reilly bind book, but haven't
figured this one out yet. I assume I need to create a db.44 file.
Bob Nielsen, N7XY (ex-W6SWE) (RN2) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ DM42nh QRP-L #1985 http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen